OAN Confirms Pics of Underage Girls on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive. House GOP: Special Counsel Needed
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Reporters from the conservative One America News website viewed the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop and confirmed that it contains images of minors.

The revelation confirms the same claim from Rudy Giuliani, an advisor to President Trump. As The New American reported earlier today, Giuliani also disclosed Hunter Biden’s texted confession that he was accused of sexually inappropriate behavior with a 14-year-old. That text went to his father, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. 

The latest from OAN and Giuliani will likely intensify the push among House Republicans for a special counsel to probe the Hunter Biden scandals, which reignited last week when the New York Post published e-mails from the laptop’s hard drive. They connect Biden senior to an official from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian nexus of the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme.

Other e-mails revealed more. Some from the laptop showed Hunter Biden’s lucrative business connections to China. Others unconnected to the laptop divulge the relationship between Hunter Biden’s business associates and Chinese executives who wangled a trip to the White House and meeting Biden senior in 2011.

The texts and e-mails not only show Hunter Biden inexplicably raking in millions from foreign businessmen, but also his interest in illegal drugs and underage girls. That means electing his father president could be a major national security threat.

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The Latest
Proof of that threat is sitting on the hard drive, OAN White House reporter Chanel Rion tweeted this morning. “@OANN reporters have now viewed the emails, photos, and videos on the #HunterBiden hard drive,” she wrote:

We can confirm:

There appear to be not one but several images of a minor that justify immediate attention.

We have reason to believe the minor is a US citizen.

Rion offered no further details.

But her tweet reinforces the claims of Giuliani, who told NewsMax’s Greg Kelly he was so disturbed by what he saw that he turned over his copy of the hard drive to Delaware authorities. They sent it to the FBI.

Giuliani received the hard drive from the owner of a computer repair shop who said Hunter Biden abandoned it there.

Aside from photos of underage girls, Giuliani said, the hard drive contained another damning file. Hunter Biden texted his father to say he was accused of “sexually inappropriate” behavior with a 14-year-old girl:

She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate [Giuliani: This would be with an unnamed 14-year-old girl].

When she says that I Facetime naked with [the unnamed 14-year-old girl] and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack [talking to] girls on face time. When she was pressed she said that [the unnamed 14-year-old girl] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I created and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids.

Time for a Special Counsel
Adding those e-mails to what we already know means the Democrat candidate for president has major problems:

  • A son involved with drugs and accused of criminal sexual activities with a 14-year-old.
  • An e-mail from a Burisma exec who thanks Hunter Biden for arranging a meeting with then Vice President Biden in 2015. He claims he knew nothing about Hunter’s business ventures, including the latter’s work for Burisma. Yet Biden pushed Ukraine in 2016 to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption.
  • Other e-mails divulge Hunter Biden’s $30 million, three-year deal with the Chinese, and that Joe Biden received 50 percent of his relatives’ income.
  • Author Peter Schweizer published e-mails that show Hunter Biden’s business associates set up a meeting for Chinese “entrepreneurs” at the White House in 2011. Biden’s transition co-chair Jeffrey Zients hosted that meeting. Then-Vice President Biden met with the Chinese. Those meetings, a Chinese cutout wrote, would be good for future deals for Hunter Biden’s business associates.

Should Biden defeat President Trump on November 3, it all means one thing for U.S. national security: trouble.

Republican Representative Jim Jordan and several other House members want U.S. Attorney General William Barr to appoint a special counsel.

“Let’s get to the facts, let’s figure out exactly how much Joe Biden knew about this,” Jordan told Fox News’s The Story, “because it sure looks like Joe Biden misled the American people” when he said he knew nothing about his son’s handsomely rewarded job in Ukraine.

Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona and 10 other Republicans agree.

The latest revelations about Hunter Biden’s foreign business connections, they wrote to Barr, “raise serious issues about … Biden’s reported participation with his son’s business dealings.” Did Biden senior receive “foreign monies” as vice president, they want to know, and did Hunter “peddle access” to this father:

If these reports about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are true, the former vice president fell far short of his responsibility to uphold his constitutional oath and betrayed the sacred trust of the American people.

It is imperative that the American people receive answers and a full accounting of former Vice President Biden’s dealings with his son and his son’s business partners, and if the former vice president misused his office for personal gain.

The congressmen requested a special counsel to probe the Biden Boys, “as well as any corresponding legal or ethical issues that might be uncovered from the former vice president’s 47 years in public office.”

They also might ask Barr to pull the sheets off Hunter Biden’s other more personal activities.