A former NSA whistleblower recently asserted — with convincing evidence — that the FBI has access to the more than 30,000 e-mails Hillary Clinton deleted before turning over her server. Since the NSA vacuums up all Internet traffic and Hillary didn’t bother to encrypt her e-mails, the FBI could simply access that database as it has countless times before. Her e-mails are not lost; they are merely hidden.
William Binney left the NSA after more than 30 years when, in 2001, the agency turned its spying aparatus on American citizens. He has appeared on numerous radio shows and documentaries, including Laura Poitras’s CitizenFour. He has been an outspoken opponent of the surveillance state and has helped many people to understand the depth and breadth of the actions of the NSA. He recently told Aaron Klein Investigative Radio that the FBI has accessed NSA databases before and can do it again. He quoted former FBI Director Robert Mueller as saying that the FBI has used those databases in the past “to track down known and suspected terrorists.”
He then went on to say:
Now what [former FBI Director Mueller] is talking about is going into the NSA database, which is shown of course in the Snowden material released, which shows a direct access into the NSA database by the FBI and the CIA. Which there is no oversight of, by the way. So that means that NSA and a number of agencies in the U.S. government also have those e-mails.
Binney added that the Clinton e-mails and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mails would also be accessible to the FBI. “So if the FBI really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now,” he said.
Before Hillary Clinton turned over her (now infamous) private, unsecured e-mail server to the Department of Justice (DOJ) almost a year ago, she had all of the contents of the drive deleted. Besides wiping the server itself, she and her closest aides took the time to parse through the more than 60,000 e-mails on it and delete more than 30,000 of them before copying the rest to other media and turning it over to the DOJ.
As the FBI investigation crawled forward, it was obvious that the content of those deleted e-mails was germane to the investigation. Clinton claimed that the e-mails were personal and private communications between her and her husband — former President Bill Clinton — and covered mundane things such as her “yoga schedule” and “wedding plans” for Chelsea. Of course, Bill claims he only ever sent two e-mails in his whole life, so that still leaves more than 30,000 e-mails. Perhaps the former First Lady, former senator, former secretary of state, and current presidential candidate would have the American voter believe she does a lot of yoga and that Chelsea’s wedding was particularly well planned.
Then again, her campaign did take the Trump bait and recently admit that the contents of her deleted e-mails are “a national security issue.”
Once FBI Director James Comey recommended against indicting Clinton, saying there was no evidence she intended to break the law, many — including The New American — asked what made her case different from the numerous other cases just like hers which the DOJ has prosecuted. Comey was called to answer before Congress for not recommending charges, but in the end nothing came of it, because it’s hard to prove a negative.
Those more than 30,000 deleted e-mails would probably offer that proof and the FBI has access to them, so why have they been allowed to be hidden? In a word: politics.
As this writer noted previously:
That Hillary Clinton was able to gain the nomination and avoid indictment while lying, obfuscating, and otherwise misleading both the American people and investigators at every level is a clear indicator that the insiders want her in the game — probably in the White House. Considering the legal and logical gymnastics they have gone to to get her this far, America may need to face two facts. The first is that the word “justice” in Department of Justice is a misnomer. The second is that we may have to live under a Clinton 2.0 presidency. God help us.
When politics is more important than justice and national security, this nation is in deep trouble. That Clinton was able to avoid indictment for a crime for which others have been convicted is evidence that her political clout carries a lot of weight. That the DNC conspired to rig the nomination in favor of Clinton is evidence that those in positions of political power want her in the race.
While that may well serve their interests, it most certainly does not serve the interests of America.