Milwaukee Children’s Court Judge Arrested On Kiddie Porn Charges
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A homosexual circuit court judge in Milwaukee, who also ran a group that subsidized drag queen story hours, has been arrested on seven counts of possessing child porn.

On Tuesday, cops collared Brett Blomme, who is “married” to a man, after searching his home pursuant to a 44-page warrant. The criminal complaint says he uploaded more than two dozen images and videos of child rape.

Frighteningly, Blomme was a judge in the county’s children’s court.

Toddlers Raped

The 15-page criminal complaint alleges in seven counts that Blomme did “knowingly possess a digital recording of a child engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and reasonably should have known that  the child was under the age of 18.”

A special agent with the state justice department’s Division of Criminal Investigation began a probe after receiving a cybertip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:

The CyberTip  indicated that a Kik messaging application user, “dommasterbb,” uploaded images and videos  consistent with child pornography through the application on 27 separate occasions in October and  November of 2020. Those files were sent to other Kik users through private chat messages or  shared in a messaging group. The email used for registering the Kik account “dommasterbb” was  identified in the CyberTip as “” 

This email address associated with the “dommasterbb” Kik account was listed as “verified”  by Kik.

Worse still, Blomme was used government IP addresses, the complaint alleges

The porn Blomme uploaded included videos of adult men raping prepubescent and toddler-aged boys. In one video, the complaint says, the toddler cried as the pervert raped him.

The special agent connected the porn to Blomme through a gmail account, the complaint says.

Blomme is “fathering” two kids with his “husband,” but they were not among the rape victims, the the city’s Journal-Sentinel reported. “Child Protective Services is involved with their current placement,” the newspaper reported.

“A longtime LGBTQ activist,” the newspaper reported, “Blomme previously was director of major gifts at the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin for 18 months.”

That’s no surprise.

The “LGBTQ Victory Fund” endorsed Blomme for his judgeship.

Drag Queens

Blomme was a past president of the Cream City Foundation, a homosexual outfit that promotes drag queen story hours. However, “Blomme’s presence on the Cream City Foundation website was quickly scrubbed in the days since his arrest, with his articles removed and the board of directors page nixing the judge’s information completely,” the Journal-Sentinel reported.

A spokesman for Milwaukee Drag Queen Story Hour said the Cream City outfit only gave money for its “programs,” and “Brett Blomme has never held a position within DQSH Milwaukee nor participate directly in planning, organizing, or hosting any of our events.”

DQSH is “cutting all ties with Cream City Foundation” and condemns Blomme’s actions:

As the leaders of DQSH Milwaukee & DQSH HQ, we absolutely condemn pedophilia, We are angry and outraged by Brett’s actions. Pedophilia has no place in the LGBT community and no place in society as a whole.

Amusingly, the spokesman added, “all of our in-network drag storytellers are required to have background checks.”

A key plank of the homosexual “rights” movement is repealing age of consent laws that punish adult for seducing and having sex with underage boys. Homosexuals have been wildly successful in pumping homosexual propaganda in schools in the hope of normalizing deviant behavior among kids, then recruiting them.