Fast and Furious Whistleblower Destroys “Botched Investigation” Lie

Despite the Obama administration’s fiendish efforts to censor the truth, Special Agent John Dodson, one of the key ATF whistleblowers who exposed the “Fast and Furious” plot to arm Mexican drug cartels, recently offered more explosive insight into the deadly scheme. In addition to further demolishing the bogus “botched-investigation” narrative peddled by the embattled administration and its allies in the establishment press, Dodson also shed light on various elements of the gun-running operation that disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder and the president have been conspiring to keep secret.

All along, the administration’s plan was to put American weapons in the hands of Mexican cartels. Instead of some sort of half-baked but legitimate law-enforcement operation to bust criminal syndicates, however — the official narrative still parroted by much of the increasingly discredited media — lawmakers, whistleblowers, and analysts point to growing amounts of evidence showing that Fast and Furious was really aimed at undermining the Second Amendment; nothing more. Now, a section of Dodson’s book on the gun-running operation, published this month in the New York Post, supplied further confirmation.

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One of the gaping holes in the “botched investigation” myth is the fact that there was never actually any plan to catch any criminals, as Dodson somewhat humorously explains in his book The Unarmed Truth: My Fight to Blow the Whistle and Expose Fast and Furious. In fact, as The New American has documented extensively and Dodson highlights in the excerpt from his book in the Post, the top criminals supposedly being “investigated” in Fast and Furious were already working for the FBI. The FBI operatives were also buying the weapons for distribution to cartels with U.S. taxpayer funds.

The ATF whistleblower cited a comparison with the cartoon South Park used by one of his colleagues to describe the absurdity of the whole plot. “There’s this episode where all the boys get their underwear stolen by these underwear gnomes,” ATF agent Lee Casa is quoted as saying. “They track them down to get it back and one of them asks why they are stealing everyone’s underwear. The gnomes break out this PowerPoint and reveal their master plan: Phase One: Collect underpants. Phase Two: ? Phase Three: Profit. We’re doing the same thing: We know Phase One is ‘Walk guns’ and Phase Three is ‘Take down a big cartel!’ … Just nobody can figure out what the f–k Phase Two is!”

Indeed, the reason nobody could figure out what “Phase Two” was turns out to be simple: There never was a “Phase Two.” The supposed “Phase Three,” meanwhile — “take down a big cartel!” — was almost certainly a deceptive fairytale employed by senior administration officials to get well-meaning ATF agents to participate in the murderous plot to arm Mexican cartels at U.S. taxpayer expense. Dodson and many of his colleagues realized the absurdity of it all, but almost certainly assumed that there really was some ultimate master plan to catch criminals in the end.

“What was happening did at times almost seem like a spoof,” Dodson wrote in the book, a piece of which was published on December 1 in the Post despite widely criticized efforts by the administration to censor it. “Letting guns ‘walk’ was a tactic that I had never before seen or even contemplated. It simply wasn’t done. I couldn’t understand how anyone could argue that allowing guns that ought to have been in law-enforcement custody to go to known or suspected criminals — people who shouldn’t have been near a gun, people who almost certainly would be passing them on to Mexico’s most brutal drug cartels — wasn’t madness.”

Dodson was absolutely right to be suspicious, it turns out. After highlighting his realization that the supposed “plan” was ridiculous, the ATF whistleblower delves into one of the key facts in the saga that should permanently and entirely demolish the “botched investigation” lie. As the ATF and the DEA continued their supposed “investigation” by allowing ever-greater quantities of weapons to flow into criminal hands, they were also learning about the low-level networks they were helping. Then they stumbled upon the truth, detailed in a section of Dodson’s work subtitled “Circle of Idiocy.”

The minor criminal figure running a gun-purchasing operation the ATF was facilitating, Manuel Celis-Acosta, was already being “investigated” by other federal agencies, Dodson found out. “Then DEA dropped a bomb: Through their own deconfliction protocols, they had learned that those two suspects, both above Acosta in hierarchy, were already subjects of a joint DEA-FBI investigation being worked out of another division that had begun back on Dec. 9, 2009,” Dodson wrote.

It gets much more sinister, though, as the ATF whistleblower would soon discover. “Later we learned that these folks Acosta was reporting to weren’t just targets of the joint DEA-FBI investigation; they had been cultivated as informants and were in fact assets of the FBI,” he wrote. “More shocking, they had been using FBI money to ultimately purchase a significant portion of the firearms.” Indeed, as reported by The New American early last year, the FBI “drug lords” were considered “national security assets” who were “off limits” and “untouchable.”

In other words, the FBI was working with its “assets” to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to help arm Mexican drug cartels with weapons bought at American gun stores under orders from the ATF. “Take the government out of this equation and nothing gets done,” Dodson noted. “No guns get purchased, because there is no FBI money to pay for them; no guns get sold, because ATF is not coercing the gun dealers to sell them; and no guns get trafficked, because ATF is not using the guise of a ‘big case’ to allow it all to happen. And yet the Justice Department was happy to let the farce continue, telling my ATF bosses they were doing a great job.”

As Dodson explained, it would be impossible to make up such absurdities, but from the Justice Department’s point of view, the ATF was doing a great job — thousands of American weapons were flooding into Mexico destined for criminals, providing a perfect rationale to demonize gun rights. Still, years after the blood-drenched scandal was exposed to lawmakers, the press, and the American public, none of the high-level officials responsible for the scheme has been held accountable.

Incredibly, Obama and Attorney General Holder — the latter of whom has already been held in criminal contempt of Congress on a bipartisan vote, with formal Articles of Impeachment introduced in the House — continue unlawfully refusing to provide subpoenaed documents to Congress. Now the administration is fighting to legalize its cover-up in federal courts, absurdly claiming nobody has the authority to investigate government gun-running because of “executive privilege.” The Justice Department, meanwhile, is refusing to prosecute its boss on the criminal contempt charges.

Amid all of the ongoing deception, though, the facts are starting to become clear. With hundreds of murders perpetrated with the Fast and Furious weapons supplied by U.S. authorities, the administration was hoping to step up its relentless attack on gun rights — in fact, it had already begun before the scandal was exposed, with top administration officials repeatedly claiming that the Second Amendment was responsible for the carnage in Mexico. Then, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed with a Fast and Furious weapon. Brave ATF agents such as Dodson knew it was time to blow the whistle.

In the end, the administration was exposed, and the whole gun-running plot, which multiple analysts have referred to as a “false flag,” blew up in their faces. Amid the ham-handed cover-up, top officials, including Holder, lied under oath about it. Instead of taking action, though, the press appears to be largely asleep at the wheel amid a never-ending stream of mega-scandals plaguing the administration. Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, are apparently too busy voting in favor of more unconstitutional gun control to hold anyone accountable.

“Some politicians and the media like to think the Fast and Furious scandal is over, that we know what happened and it’s no big deal,” Dodson wrote. “But three years later, the White House still refuses to release all documents on the operation. Officials refuse to say who knew about the gun walking. The Mexican government says 211 people have been killed by guns from Fast and Furious, including police officers. The body count will only increase. And Attorney General Eric Holder, despite being held in contempt by Congress, still has a job. We gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels. Americans died. Where is the outrage?”

Of course, the president and his allies have endlessly parroted the mantra that “weapons of war” do not belong on the streets. Based on growing amounts of undeniable evidence, however, it appears that, in the minds of people in Obama’s circle at least, restrictions on weapons should apply only to everyday Americans not in government service. Mexican drug cartels, al-Qaeda linked jihadists in Syria and Libya, and local police departments across America are all being lawlessly showered with endless supplies of “weapons of war” by the administration.

At the same time, the Obama administration is fiendishly persecuting whistleblowers who dare to expose the lunacy, most recently threatening them with a “firing squad” — supposedly a “joke,” according to officials. It is past time for Congress to put its foot down, protect the rights of Americans, and hold lawless officials accountable for their scheming. As the “Fast and Furious” body count continues to rise, the victims deserve justice.   

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, politics, and more. He can be reached at

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