Chat History Reveals BLM Infiltrator of D.C. Rally Planned to Incite Violence at Capitol
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Recently revealed screenshots from a Discord chat channel allegedly hosted by left-wing, anti-Trump activist John Sullivan show he and his followers infiltrated the January 6 Save America March in Washington, D.C.

Sullivan was arrested for his participation in the mass breaching of the Capitol Building earlier this month. His actions included calls to violence such as “we gotta get this sh*t burned” and “it’s our house motherf*ckers,” according to an affidavit.

The Discord channel from which the screenshots were pulled is allegedly affiliated with Sullivan’s Insurgence USA group, which describes itself as “forming a rainbow coalition to unite all people under one banner to fight for liberation and freedom for all people.”

“We are the revolution, lets [sic] show them the power of the people united,” the group’s page adds.

The chat supports the recent federal charge against Sullivan, noting that he didn’t attend the events at the Capitol to “report” as a journalist, as he claimed, but rather as a provocateur.

Sullivan uses the name Jayden X on Discord; under that user account, he sent a photo of himself in a Trump 2020 hat captioned with “counter intel” on January 6.

After the mayhem broke out, other Discord users revealed they disguised themselves as the president’s supporters by wearing Trump-branded shirts and hats.

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Other Discord users, including one using the alias “deaththreat,” admitted that a “large sum of anti Trumpers” was among the crowd of those who stormed the Capitol. Some of them even went on to identify themselves in images of the events.

Sullivan had published instructions on how to make chemical-weapons wipes; additional information shows he and his associates planned to be involved in future violent demonstrations under the guise of pro-Trump rallies.

As recently as Wednesday, January 13, he appears to have posted comments such as “Lol, this is going to be a war.”

The political establishment, including the media, continues to sweep under the rug the presence of leftists at the storming of the Capitol — a presence that lends credence to the belief that the incident was coordinated to demonize Trump supporters, end all debate on the legitimacy of the 2020 election, and justify mass censorship of conservatives.

For example, the famous horn-wearing shaman in the Capitol on January 6 was, in 2019, reported and photographed participating in left-wing climate-change protests tied to Greta Thunberg.

The man, Jake Angeli, was described by AZCentral in September of 2019 as one of “hundreds march[ing] in Arizona in solidarity with climate strikes around the world.” The outlet even captured three photographs of Angeli at the climate protest.

One of the captions accompanying the images of Angeli reads: “Jake Angeli, shamanic practitioner, leads the crowd in a yell before the march in solidarity with climate activism groups across the country to the Arizona State Capitol Building Friday, September 20, 2019.”

Additionally, the parent organization of the demonstrations, Strike With Us, is allied with several radical left-wing groups, such as Black Lives Matter Greater NY, Women’s March, Progressive Democrats of America, New Progressive Alliance, and MoveOn.

Furthermore, The New York Post, citing a law-enforcement source, reported on two known Antifa members who were seen spotted among the multitude on January 6.

The paper noted, “The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.”

“The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed,” the source told the Post.

False flags are common throughout history, including American history. For example, evidence strongly suggests that catalysts for war such as the sinking of the Lusitania (World War I) and the Tonkin Gulf Incident (Vietnam) were orchestrated by Deep State assets in the U.S. government to take the country into conflict.

There are also strong parallels to the infamous burning of the Reichstag building in Germany in 1933, which the Nazis effectively used to silence and persecute their political opposition.

Americans must stop playing right into the Deep State’s hands by blowing the way the mainstream media wind blows whenever “crises” such as these happen. Decision-making based on emotional, unresearched responses to breaking events is nearly always a recipe for government usurpation of power — precisely what the global elites want.