Antifa Goons Attack Gay, Conservative Journalist. Cruz: Mayor Permits Leftist Terror

The masked goons of Antifa were at it again in Portland on Saturday, but this time they went beyond the usual.

The left-wing thugs clobbered homosexual conservative journalist Andy Ngo with fists and milkshakes, an attack that sent the writer for Quilette and other websites and newspapers to the hospital.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, are demanding a federal investigation of the unprovoked attack, and even left-wing journalists are appalled. Cruz accused the mayor of permitting left-wing terrorism.

As The New American reported in October, the city’s leftist mayor, Ted Wheeler, doesn’t much care if Antifa goons run wild in the streets.

The Attack
As the Oregonian reported, the violence occurred during competing protests to which the leftist goons showed up in far greater numbers.

The protests “featured only a few isolated flashpoints of violence, the newspaper reported, and “one of them has garnered outsized attention with many in conservative circles condemning the mayor and police for perceived inaction in the face of violence.”

Calling Ngo a “right-wing provocateur,” the newspaper reported that he “was attacked by a group of masked individuals who kicked, punched and threw milkshakes at him.”

“Milkshaking” is new tactic in leftist terror, and Portland police reported that Antifa goons added quick-drying cement to their dastardly dairy bombs.

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Jim Ryan, a reporter for the newspaper, posted video of the appalling attack on Twitter, and Ngo posted updates on Twitter as well. The video shows the Antifa goons attacking Ngo even as he tried to escape.

“Attacked by antifa,” he tweeted. “Bleeding. They stole my camera equipment. No police until after. waiting for ambulance . If you have evidence Of attack please help.”

Then, Ngo told Twitter followers, “On way to hospital. Was beat on face and head multiple times in downtown in middle of street with fists and weapons. Suspects at large.”

Ngo posted video of himself as well.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin quickly set up a Go Fund Me account for Ngo that has already raised nearly $150,000.

Such was the ferocity of the attack that even leftist Brian Stelter of CNN denounced it, as did ABC’s Jake Tapper. “Even @MrAndyNgo’s critics should have no trouble saying this: The assault against him was unacceptable,” Stelter wrote. Agreed Tapper, “Antifa regularly attacks journalists; it’s reprehensible.”

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted a demand that federal law enforcement find out why the leftist mayor, Wheeler, is watching left-wing goons attack people: “To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists.”

Grenell, the ambassador to Germany, tweeted that he has already requested an investigation. “I have asked @TheJusticeDept to investigate this incident in Portland. I can’t just sit by and watch my friend be brutally attacked,” he wrote.

As well, he continued, Wheeler could have stopped the attack. “This was a pre-meditated attack on someone because intolerant radicals don’t like that Andy happens to be gay, Asian and conservative,” Grenell wrote. “They targeted him publicly before their protest. Mayor @tedwheeler knew this was coming. The people of Oregon must speak up today.”

Why the Attack
Why did the Antifa goons attack a member of an official victim group? Likely because he doesn’t spew the usual hate against conservatives, and, indeed, wrote a long piece for the New York Post that suggested a wave of “hate crimes” against homosexuals in Portland was likely a wave of hoaxes.

Ngo investigated multiple hate-crime allegations. He found zero witnesses, and those who claimed to be victims refused to speak with him. When he tried to verify a hate crime reported in the Portland Mercury, a leftist bi-weekly newspaper, the writer and editor refused to discuss it.

Ngo sought the opinion of an expert on hate crimes:

Did these crimes really happen? Wilfred Reilly, a political scientist at Kentucky State and author of the book “Hate Crime Hoax,” says the nonreporting and cinematic narrative are indications they might not have.

“If you were actually beaten by a group of homophobes, you’d go down to the precinct house before you’d go on Twitter and Facebook,” he says. Through his research, Reilly has collected more than 500 cases of American hate hoaxes concentrated mostly between 2013 and 2018.

Ngo recorded Antifa’s violence in October.

Wheeler responded thusly: “I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene.”

Image: screenshot from YouTube video