Deep State Bureaucracy Wages War on America, Trump, Constitution

In this video, part of a series on the Deep State, The New American’s Alex Newman exposes the bureaucratic component of the “Deep State.” Among other concerns, Newman highlights the bureaucracies’ efforts to destroy Trump and the fact that they gave 95 percent of their donations to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. This video also exposes some of the unconstitutional activities of the bureaucracy, as well as its ability to target enemies of the Deep State, and much more. To learn about the rest of the Deep State, and even the Deep State Behind the Deep State, make sure to check out the rest of the videos in this series.

Related videos:

Part 2 – Deep State “Intelligence” Agencies Are Out of Control

Part 3 – Deep State Behind the Deep State: Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilaterals

Part 4 – The Role of Secret Societies in the Deep State

Part 5 – Deep State Money Men: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros

Related links:

Deep State and Fake News

The Rise of the Administrative State

Trump Surveillance: Has the Deep State Finally Gone Too Far?