A Democrat Victory Would Lead to Kamala Harris Becoming President
John F. McManus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It is hardly a courageous bit of guesswork to assume that, if elected, Joe Biden would not serve a full term. His advancing dementia is no secret. Thus, if Biden is elected president, Senator Kamala Harris would almost certainly become the first female U.S. president. And she would have attained the nation’s highest office without having experienced the challenge of successfully running for that office herself, and without undergoing the intense scrutiny — fair and foul — that major-party nominees for president customarily endure. 

So it behooves Americans to know what they’ll end up with should the Biden-Harris Democratic ticket triumph in the 2020 election.

What do we know about Kamala Harris?  We begin with her slip of the tongue that saw her refer to the “Harris administration” during an interview. That indicated her placement of herself ahead of the man who is credited with choosing her to be the lesser of the two Democrats seeking election. She quickly corrected herself about what she had just stated while issuing a curious smile. While being interviewed by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show, she proudly noted that the ”task forces we had” succeeded “to push Joe Biden to do things that he hadn’t signed on to before.” 

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Then there is Harris’ record, which indicates that, if she were to become president, she would be much farther to the left than Joe Biden has ever been.

Harris wants taxpayer-funded abortion for all who care to terminate the life of a baby in the womb. She favors extreme environmentalism such as the proposed “Green New Deal.” As for the God-given right of citizens to keep and bear arms, she would work to cancel it. She favors socializing the medical profession.  And she would, with much more force than Joe Biden would ever use, work to place numerous restrictions, taxes, and controls on ordinary citizens. As president, Harris would work feverishly to convert America into a carbon copy of Venezuela, all the while posturing as a champion of the people. 

When Harris served as California’s attorney general, she made the job of the police more difficult, favored an assortment of benefits for undocumented (read: illegal) immigrants, favored the designation of left-leaning enclaves as ”sanctuary cities,” and worked to undermine America’s cultural base by favoring LBGTQ demands.  Raised by her Marxist parent Donald Harris, she follows his lead with few exceptions. And she has crusaded against videographer David Daleiden, who obtained confirmation of Planned Parenthood’s on-going practice of harvesting and selling for profit the organs of aborted infants. While adhering to California’s laws regarding the taping of conversations, Dalieiden gained admissions of the grisly practice in videotaped conversations with PP leaders, and then found himself targeted by California Attorney General Harris.

The Harris record as a U.S. senator is equally scary.  The non-partisan Gov-Track.us awarded her the distinction of being 2019’s “least conservative” senator, even farther to the left than admitted-socialist Bernie Sanders. It’s really hard to imagine that anyone could be more socialistic than Bernie. During her run to gain the presidential nomination, Harris laughed at the idea that a president is limited by the Constitution.

This is what America faces should the Biden-Harris ticket win in November.