The Real “Fake News”

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Fake News!” “Fake News!” It has been deliciously amusing to behold the unmitigated hypocrisy of left-wing politicians and their establishment media collaborators expressing hysterical alarm over the supposed existential crisis posed by “fake news.” This new fixation since the November 8 elections bespeaks desperation and panic among the would-be ruling elites. They are reeling from a huge double whammy: First, the historic Brexit vote in Britain in June; second, the historic Donald Trump upset in November. Ouch! Double Ouch! Neither of these unthinkables was supposed to happen; how could it be? All the “smart money,” all the establishment politicians, all the “prestige press” predicted that defeat for Brexit and Trump were sure things.

Following their humiliating Brexit defeat, the globalists were enraged. James Traub of the Council on Foreign Relations wrote an amazingly arrogant piece on June 28 for Foreign Policy entitled “It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses.” But then the “ignorant masses” struck again, rejecting the elites’ handpicked sock-puppet, Hillary Clinton. To top off the ignominious pain, opinion polls show the American public now has almost zero trust in the elites’ “mainstream” media.

What to do? Blame the alternative media and social media. Yeah, that’s the ticket! “It is now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Hillary Clinton warns. “Lives are at risk.... It is imperative that leaders in both the private and public sector step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives.”

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