Stark Raving Green
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Stark Raving Green

What will it take to reach Biden’s lofty goals of zero carbon emissions by 2050? The answer may surprise you. ...
Ed Hiserodt

2050: That’s the deadline that President Joe Biden has set to decarbonize the U.S. power sector and supposedly save the planet from man-made climate catastrophe. In issuing his December executive order prioritizing a “Clean Energy Economy,” Eco-Joe pledged you, the American taxpayer, to spend billions in the next three decades to achieve net-zero carbon emissions “across federal operations” by mid-century.

Blue-state governors and some power companies hail the proposals as ground-breaking, according to the International Business Times. However, Biden is facing hostility from Republicans and coal-producing states, who are challenging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Supreme Court about whether the administration has authority to implement the scheme.

What few are talking about is how unfeasible the plans actually are. They “are not just impossible. They are pie-in-the-sky, flying unicorns, bull-goose looney impossible,” writes analyst Willis Eschenbach in his article Bright Green Impossibilities posted at the award-winning science blog Watts Up With That?

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