We Will Not Be Free Until the Cabal Is Dismantled
Luis Miguel

What will it take to firmly and finally put an end to the globalist oligarchs? 

As a movement, we have certainly made important progress. What used to be considered “conspiracy theories” about the New World order, transhumanism, George Soros, the World Economic Forum, and various other subjects related to globalist control have now become relatively mainstream, at least within the Republican Party.

Nevertheless, the growth in knowledge has not yet translated to definitive political gains. Often, it feels like the freedom movement is simply in a constant state of reaction, constantly rushing to plug the holes in a sinking boat.

All of this can become exhausting and cause those on the political Right to become discouraged, making it seem as if our enemies are just too powerful. Many activists give up and bow out of the fight.

Perhaps the chief reason that we do not see the results we would like is because the movement as a whole has still not embraced this single, simple truth: If you want to stop the globalist cabal, you have to actually stop the globalist cabal.

That is, we have to actually use every legal means at our disposal to prosecute and imprison the criminal oligarchs who are committing treason and trying to destroy our country.

Instead, the conservative movement is often too busy debating leftist ideas rather than combating the people putting the money and organization behind those ideas.

Conservatives often fall into the trap of believing that political warfare is merely a contest of ideas, when, in reality, ideas are — like guns and bullets and tanks in kinetic warfare — merely weapons.

In kinetic warfare, the weapons may change. Swords and pikes and cannons become machine guns and bombers. The true enemy is the man wielding the weapons.

Likewise, in political warfare, although ideas and ideologies may change, the true enemy is the individuals promoting the ideas.

Imagine if during the War of Independence we tried to fight by acknowledging that soldiers in red coats were mysteriously attacking but refused to even question where they were coming from or who was sending them. How successful would we have been?

Another apt comparison is arson. Conservatives’ typical way of fighting against the cabal is akin to continually rushing to put out one fire after another but never even bothering to go after the arsonist who keeps starting them.

If you don’t arrest the arsonist, then he’s just going to keep doing it again and again and again.

The Left understands that the fight is not between ideas, but between people. They use every resource at their disposal to ruin the lives of those they consider their enemies, and it works. 

Ultimately, there’s only one way to stop the globo-Marxists: to ensure their leaders are locked away in prison for the crimes they have committed.

This kind of action is what the government did in Bavaria with great success when it discovered the plot of the Illuminati in the 18th century. As William H. McIlhany wrote in a piece for The New American:

The discovery of the plot was literally providential: A courier sent from Frankfort to Paris in 1785 was killed by a bolt of lightning. On his body were found incriminating papers about the Order and the name of Xavier Zwack. Zwack’s home in Landshut was raided by the Elector’s police and his copy of Weishaupt’s writings was taken. The Elector publicly outlawed the Order and closed many of the freemasonic lodges known to be under its control. The Elector also sent printed copies of the Order’s writings to all of the important monarchs in Europe. It was from copies of the Order’s writings that Abbé Barruel in France and the eminent Professor John Robison in England gathered the information contained in their important books — Barruel’s Memoirs and Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy.

The elector was perfectly justified in suppressing the Illuminati; they were a violent revolutionary group who sought to overthrow the government in every country in which they operated. In France, they were successful, as McIlhany explains in his description of the Illuminati’s role in the French Revolution:

The Duke of Orléans, leader of the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, was a key Illuminatus. Through the Grand Orient lodges, the Illuminati created and controlled the Jacobin Club houses in Paris, through which the most violent and subversive revolutionaries were mobilized in anticipation of the revolution; Orléans and the Grand Orient were the crucial intermediary between the French radicals and Weishaupt’s directorate in Bavaria. However, even as critical instructions were being transmitted through this network, the Elector of Bavaria uncovered the entire plot….

The French Revolution was not a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses.… The upheaval was not a chance event, but an orchestrated effort to create a new political order.

The oligarchs of today are no less guilty. They are behind the stolen elections, assassinations, terrorist attacks on American citizens, illegal spying, and street violence by BLM/Antifa thugs.

The legal justification for a crackdown on the globalists is there. The only thing lacking is conservative political leaders with the spine to take action.