Robert M. Owens, J.D.
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On the anniversary of the January 6 protests in Washington, D.C., we continued to witness a complete and utter disregard for the law regarding the political prisoners who are being held without bail and with no hope of a trial in sight. As I documented using first-hand accounts in a previous Constitution Corner video on, the outrageous treatment of the incarcerated J6 prisoners includes being shackled hands and feet nearly all day, solitary confinement, and disgusting water that one must filter through a dirty sock to get it to be drinkable. All of this is in stark violation of the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

However, as sad as these cases are, there are bigger implications we must understand and deal with. The significant public-policy issue here — far beyond the horrific miscarriage of justice as applied to these defendants — is the assault on civil law that is being rubbed in every American’s nose.  

Make no mistake, the January 6 event was a setup for gullible Americans that went to D.C. with peaceful intent, and the shameful prosecution of an 81-year-old man, among so many others, was the payoff. All of this was engineered in advance. The goal is to use this event to create fear and panic for those who openly resist Deep State tyranny and to destroy any rationality as to the concept of “law” for everyone else.  

Take heed! Our nation is under assault; our system of government identified as a constitutional republic is on life support. But if you react to this attack stupidly, you will neutralize yourself or worse. Potentially, far worse.  

How do we fight back?  

We fight back by following relevant biblical examples, we educate on the truth, and we put that education to best use.

In all of recorded civilization, the first use of small-unit special forces in combat was documented in the biblical Book of Judges, chapter seven. Just as the commander there utilized horns and torches (and help from God), today we can awaken Americans by educating them as to the truth and lead them to expose the Deep State. We should do this not as sniveling underdogs, but with a confidence bordering on swagger that Elijah the Tishbite would expect of us.  

The New York Times got a Pulitzer Prize for covering up the genocide of millions during the Soviet-induced Ukrainian Holodomor, so have no illusion that they will tell the truth about January 6, 2020. But those in your community who set policy, from congressman to pastor to county central party chairman, they don’t know that yet. Before you will get them to understand, you will need to use a “knowledge defibrillator” to shock them back to reason and common sense. 

One successful tactic endorsed by more hall of fame coaches than we could possibly list in this space is to first create a relationship of trust and then take them back to the basics.

Space limitations do not permit the description of all the practical applications of this concept. Thus we focus on some fundamental questions: 

What is Law?

Who is behind its perversion?

And, most importantly, Why?

Before we are able to understand the perversion of justice as it related to the J6 defendants, it is important to understand the very purpose of civil law to begin with. Toward that end, the short essay The Law is a book that all community leaders in America should be familiar with. It was written by Frenchman Frédéric Bastiat over 170 years ago, yet it is as timely today as the day it was written.

In The Law, Bastiat eloquently states that the purpose of civil law is to safeguard our God-given rights. “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

We must understand that God, not government, is the author of our rights. This is the basis of American civil law.      

However, this is a “minority” position in the world, as much of the planet is ruled by an oligarchy that has exclusive power to distribute only those rights that they deem permissible. And this majority position, the position that holds that government (not God) is the author of rights, is exactly what is planned for America by the international money class. They seek total control and America is the last great prize for them. Their goal in that respect cannot be accomplished until the U.S. Constitution is eviscerated.   

The international money class uses organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations to advance that goal. Most assuredly they also read Bastiat’s essay, but not for the purpose of preserving law, but as a manual on how to deconstruct and destroy law.

One of the more profound observations about the nature of law offed by Bastiat was, “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”

J6 injustice, Critical Race Theory, Drag Queen Story Hour, COVID tyranny, Antifa, mass illegal immigration, abortion: All of these things are branches of the same tree. While each separately may seem unrelated, they are all funded and/or engineered by the same people and resources.    

To find out more about the plan to destroy the American Republic, and learn what you can do to stop it, go to