Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Most people in America have yet to realize how bad it’s gotten — and just how bad it can get if we do not put in the effort to reclaim our nation.

Recent events are further demonstrating with undeniable clarity what many of us have been pointing out for years: That the Left will not be satiated with mere electoral wins or political dominance; they will not constrain themselves to “traditional,” mainstream American political tactics.

On the contrary: The Left is not only capable and willing, but all too eager to use terrorism as its standard political tactic. Ultimately, leftists not only want to win elections, but want to see us dead.

This is more than apparent in light of the leftist response to recent high-profile killings.

Following the death of black man Jordan Neely after being restrained in a chokehold by a Marine for threatening passengers on a New York City subway, the reaction from the Left was to immediately paint this as another instance of racism against blacks.

Forget the dozens of charges, including for attempted kidnapping of a minor, that Neely had accumulated throughout his life. Forget the fact that he could easily have harmed any of the passengers on board the subway if not for the Marine’s intervention.

For leftist politicians and their allies in the mainstream media, the most important thing is that Neely, more than a decade ago, impersonated Michael Jackson. They want us to see nothing more than years-old videos of him moonwalking and thus come to the conclusion that he was an innocent, homeless black ham who was, in their words, “lynched” by racist whites.

“Black men deserve to grow old—not be lynched on a Subway because they were having a mental health crisis,” wrote Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) on Twitter.

Pressley’s fellow member of the Marxist “Squad,” Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez (D-N.Y.), also chimed in on the issue, likewise exclaiming that Neely was “murdered.”

What makes the rhetoric from leftists such as Pressley and Ocasio-Cortez so dangerous?

Of course, there’s the fact that they’re further stoking racial tensions needlessly, creating animosity and a narrative of anti-black “lynching” where it doesn’t exist, thereby keeping American blacks in a state of animosity and victimhood. That may not be good for blacks or the country, but it’s certainly good for demagogues such as Pressley and AOC, who depend on such anti-white minority resentment to stay in power.

But there’s something more: The argument from the likes of these Democratic politicians is helping to normalize lawlessness, crime, and the terrorism of innocent civilians on our streets.

If these Marxists get their way, people having “mental breakdowns” will have free rein to intimidate, harass, and harm with impunity, because trying to protect oneself and others against people such as Neely will be criminalized as “lynching.”

Think of how this Marine’s life will be destroyed if the Left is able to make an example of him, as they so desperately want to do. It’s the same thing they tried to do with Kyle Rittenhouse — and nearly got away with. 

The lesson they want us to take away is this: “You have no right to protect yourself, your property, your loved ones, or your fellow citizens. If you see our people causing havoc, robbing, destroying, or attacking, don’t you dare try to stop them or we will ruin you.”

The end result is that Americans will be too afraid to lift a finger in the face of such intimidation tactics. Why would anyone attempt to be the hero on a subway or in the middle of a BLM looting spree, if doing so will only land him in prison while the real perps are given a get-out-of-jail-free card?

This is the epitome of terrorism. The Left clearly wants Americans to live in a perpetual state of fear, with our streets dominated by criminals while we look down at the floor, avoid making eye contact, and say nothing.

Leftists no longer even make any effort to conceal what they truly believe: That those who commit even the most heinous crimes are free of the moral responsibility of their actions if they belong to one of the Left’s protected classes.

This was seen following the shooting at the Christian school in Nashville, when leftists were quick to say the shooter was, in fact, another victim once it was learned that she was trans.

Now, they are playing the same card again in the wake of the May 6 mall shooting in Allen, Texas, in which the killer was a Hispanic man.

In answer to “JoJo,” of course we blame the shooter. Does a gun load and fire itself? 

While the above take is an example par excellence of unhinged lunacy, at least leftists are being 100-percent transparent about what they really believe.

The Right should take them at their word and fight back accordingly.