Elad Hakim
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When Donald Trump first declared that he was running for president, little did he know that the media and the Democrats would engage in an unrelenting effort to destroy him. During his first term, he successfully took on those corrupt forces and made America a wonderful and prosperous place to live. Today, not only does Trump continue to face attacks from the usual players, but he is also facing attacks from various members of his own party who are terrified of what he represents. Despite these baseless and misplaced attacks, and to save our once strong and prosperous nation, Trump must continue to stand strong in the face of such adversity, overcome these efforts, and win reelection.

The attacks are not hard to find. A cursory review of various social-media sites and conservative publications brings up different “theories” and “expert analysis” explaining why Trump “can’t win” reelection, critiquing and misconstruing his every word, and praising/promoting other phantom candidates who have not even expressed an intent to seek the presidency.

When he was in office, President Trump had the support of millions of Americans, and his accomplishments and achievements were unrivaled. Since that time, some members of his own party have engaged in efforts to sabotage him and the America First movement he created. For example, some have falsely asserted that Trump was “at fault” for the “results” of the midterm elections despite the absence of any evidence showing a causal relationship in this regard. They withheld and/or refused to fund/support the campaigns in various high-profile races involving Trump-endorsed candidates, and publicly berated/criticized/personally attacked various America First candidates (thereby negatively influencing public opinion). The purpose of this concerted effort was simply to hurt Trump and his “movement.” Winning was only a secondary concern. Amazingly, despite their efforts, many Trump-endorsed candidates won their respective races.

The effort by some Republicans to malign and defeat Trump is shameful and illogical. To “support” their newly developed Trump derangement, many of these people blindly assert that Trump is “finished,” “unelectable,” has “too much baggage,” and/or can’t garner enough support from independents and women. Some have personally attacked Trump in hopes of promoting one or more shadow nominees, who have not even entered the race. They opine that these potential nominees are “more electable,” “tamer,” less “controversial and divisive,” and appeal to a wider group of prospective voters.

These points are speculative at best and/or lack merit whatsoever. Specifically, Trump is the same person he was when he first ran, although he is more knowledgeable as to how the swamp really works and has much better judgment as to whom to trust. He is confident, smart, successful, blunt, tough, hard-working, and puts America and Americans first. He loves Israel and the Jewish people and has shown an ability to simultaneously absorb the vile and unrelenting attacks against him, fight back, and to help Americans. Therefore, as he has only gotten wiser and more experienced, it defies logic that people who supported him before would engage in unrelenting and personal attacks against him now.

Those concerned with Trump’s alleged “baggage” also miss the mark. Most of Trump’s so-called baggage was generated by the media and/or Democrats. Do people seriously believe that another Republican candidate will simply skate through a primary and/or a presidential election without being personally attacked? How much confidence do people have that another prospective candidate will be able to withstand the definite onslaught, push back, yet get things done? How will voters react when they learn about the various real or made up “bombshells” or “scandals” involving another Republican candidate?

Along those same lines, how can people ensure that a different candidate won’t align with the RINOS or establishment Republicans once in office? We have seen this play out countless times where someone feigns loyalty only to double cross his/her biggest supporter(s)/advocate(s). If this happens, which is entirely plausible, nothing will change in Washington, D.C., and Americans will be no better off. Trump is not part of the Washington, D.C., establishment and has consistently proven himself to be a leader for, and on behalf of, the American people.  

Additionally, how can these Republicans ensure that another candidate will appeal to a broader group of people/voters? For example, some of the various names that have been mentioned are much more conservative than Trump. This could turn off certain voters, who could very well be troubled by the thought of a deeply conservative candidate/president (especially on issues such as abortion, etc.). If it turns out that any prospective candidate was involved or aligns with various anti-Trumpers, RINOS, or establishment Republicans, that candidate could possibly lose the support of at least 80 million Trump voters, which would all but quash any hopes of victory. 

Finally, those attacking Trump appear to be under the mistaken impression that a new and different Republican candidate will result in a different outcome. This conclusion fails to consider the other factors that play a role in deciding an election, including mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, solid ground games, funding, etc. Democrats have mastered the game, while Republicans have miserably failed. 

Many who have turned on Trump have done so because they are tired and have thrown in the towel. They refuse to see and appreciate the intangibles that Trump brings and that no other prospective Republican can bring. They appear to live in a utopian world where another prospective Republican candidate shows up, sweeps everyone off their feet, and rides off into the sunset to a resounding victory in 2024. Some are so convinced of this that they have openly turned their backs on the man who fought, and continues to fight, so hard for them.

President Trump is not perfect. Like everyone, he has his flaws. However, he is the perfect man for the difficult job ahead. Sadly, some in his own party are doing everything they can to hurt him. Some of these people in Congress are willing to sacrifice the well-being of this country simply to retain power and to maintain the status quo in Washington, D.C.

Trump is a threat to them. No other Republican poses such a threat.

For the sake of the nation, Trump must continue to stand strong amid this intensifying storm.