N.J. Adopts Standards Peddling LGBTism, Climate Hysteria

Education authorities in New Jersey last week adopted the most radical K-12 standards yet. The move earned praise from LGBT extremists, climate alarmists, and the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood. However, the news drew strong criticism from parents, religious figures, and pro-family leaders outraged about the assault on children’s innocence.

Under the new standards, adopted by the State Board of Education, children as young as 4 and 5 will be bombarded with grotesque propaganda aimed at sexualizing them and breaking down traditional moral values. From encouraging children to choose new “gender identities” to normalizing every form of perversion imaginable, the guidelines are unprecedented in their extremism.

The nearly 1.5 million inmates in the state’s government schools will also face a barrage of “climate change” propaganda. The goal: convincing them that the gas they exhale, CO2, is actually a toxic pollution that must be taxed and regulated by the United Nations. The global-warming indoctrination, which is based on debunked pseudo-science, begins in Kindergarten under the new standards.

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New Jersey is the first state to formally include the climate lies in its standards, but they were already being widely peddled across America. Under the Next Generation Science standards, adopted by multiple states and created by the same outfits behind Common Core, children are saturated in global-warming alarmism. Ironically, the scientific method is not mentioned once — for obvious reasons.

“I am incredibly proud that New Jersey is the first state in the nation to fully integrate climate education in their K-12 curricula,” said discredited climate guru Al Gore in a statement put out by far-left Governor Phil Murphy. “This initiative is vitally important to our students as they are the leaders of tomorrow, and we will depend on their leadership and knowledge to combat this crisis.”

The perversion and sexualization that will become ubiquitous under the new standards is even worse. Naturally, the tax-funded abortion outfit Planned Parenthood, which has slaughtered millions of innocent black children despite claiming “Black Lives Matter,” was very pleased, considering the fact that its business model depends on getting children fornicating as early as possible.

“The new and improved sex education standards will ensure that young people have the information, resources and skills they need to protect their health and build their future — without shame or judgment,” declared Kaitlyn Wojtowicz, vice president of public affairs of Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey. “Without shame” is code for “anything goes.”

Sexual revolutionaries and LGBT fanatics could barely contain their glee. “Now more than ever, we must ensure that every student’s full identity is represented in the Sex Education Standards,” said “health and wellness coordinator” Bianca Mayes with the fringe LGBT group Garden State Equality. “We must include race, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in the curriculum to help our students make informed decisions about their health.”

However, Victoria Jakelsky, N.J. State Coordinator for Parental Rights and State Director for Team PYC – Protect your Children, vowed to fight on. Since February of last year, when she started with a group of five people, Jakelsky has been working with hundreds of concerned parents, taxpayers, people of faith, pastors, teachers, school board members, legislators, county officials, and students from 19 out of the 21 counties in New Jersey. Their team is continuing to grow, and the fight will go on.

“We are heartbroken to see the NJ State School Board voted yes to pass such inappropriate Learning Standards,” she told The Newman Report. “It breaks our hearts to that abortion will be taught as a solution to abortion and both anal-sex and oral sex included in discussions regarding factors that contribute to making healthy decisions about sex.”

This will be “on top of normalizing the LGBT lifestyle with instruction to respect all those may who have gender dysphoria and be taught it is respectful to encourage those children to believe a lie,” continued Jakelsky. Like other concerned leaders, she noted that many professionals have pointed out “affirming” a child’s alternate gender identity can “solidify” and “reinforce” gender dysphoria that otherwise would likely resolve itself.

“This indoctrination is truly an assault on our deeply held religious faith and thwarts the fundamental right of all NJ parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children,” she concluded. “Parents from every corner of the state need to speak out, write to their principal, and refuse to permit this information to be taught to their children.”

Some groups such as the Family Research Council have created “opt out” forms to help parents exempt their children. However, others believe the time for such measures is over. Responding to the LGBT mandates, top evangelical leaders including Franklin Graham have finally urged parents to remove their children from government schools in New Jersey in order to protect them.

As the government indoctrination of students becomes increasingly extreme and dangerous, parents in New Jersey are being forced to make a tough choice: Sacrifice their children’s moral, academic, and spiritual well-being, or make a financial sacrifice to get them out. The choice should be an easy one for most parents to make.

Photo: eyegelb/iStock/Getty Images Plus 

This article originally appeared at FreedomProject Media and is reprinted here with permission.