Maybe the Critics Hate ‘Sound of Freedom’ Because They Love Pedophiles

If you believe the leftist Mainstream Media, Catholic movie star Jim Caviezel’s film about child sex trafficking, Sound of Freedom, is bunk. Or by larding what could have been a compelling film about child trafficking with a “QAnon” conspiracy narrative, the film trivializes a monstrous crime and does nothing to stop it.

That’s if you believe the leftist critics.

But maybe those critics, who have a certain look about them, by the way, hate it for another reason. Maybe the movie hits too close to home. Maybe the pedophile-friendly critics in the Mainstream Media are nervous — very nervous — about even mentioning the subject.

And maybe that’s because the masters of the media megaphone have been soft on pedos for some time. Convicted pedos have worked and still work among them. Pedos are their friends and likely went to their homes. And at least two of those pedos are in jail.

The Reviews

Among the film’s open pedo-apologist critics is one Noah Berlatsky, who once toiled for a pro-pedo outfit called Prostasia. His review for Bloomberg is behind a paywall, but the headline and few excerpts explain everything one needs to know about the weirdo, also a contributor to NBC and other major media websites.

The headline and subhead: “QAnon and ‘Sound of Freedom’ Both Rely on Tired Hollywood Tropes / Sex trafficking movies routinely skip over some very important questions, which gives the conspiratorial right room to run wild.”

“Is Sound of Freedom a QAnon dog whistle, or is it just another thriller?” Berlatsky asked:

The answer is that — whatever the filmmaker’s intentions — it functions as both. These narratives do little to help victims. But they can create coalitions of feeling, disgust and righteous rage that connect conservative conspiracy theorists with the mainstream. That’s why Trump’s screening it. And that’s why its popularity is ominous.

Well, it would be “ominous” to men such as Berlatksy, whose social-media history details his creepy, abiding fascination with pedos and interest in protecting them. 

“Pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group,” he tweeted in 2021. “Certain people get designated as deviants, people hate them.”

As well, “[Fascists] love accusing people of pedophilia. It’s an explosive accusation linked historically to queer and Jewish people and sex workers.” Parents who don’t want their kids molested are “tyrants.”

As far as Berlatksy’s writing for Prostasia goes, he’s extremely worried about “treating pedophiles as monsters” and “stigmatizing” them. He also calls them “MAPs,” or minor-attracted persons, leftist code for pedo or child molester.

The obvious question is why Berlatksy, who claims “my daughter is transgender, and my wife is bisexual and nonbinary,” obsesses about the hurt feelings of child molesters.

Normal people don’t write for pro-pedo websites.


The headline and subheadline in Rolling Stone over Miles Klee’s hysterical reaction, also behind a paywall, claimed that “‘Sound Of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms,” and that “the QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”

“QAnon” is, indeed, the leftist media’s Bugbrain narrative about the film. A person you’ve never heard of called Mike Rothschild explained on CNN that Caviezel is a “QAnon” propagandist:

He is openly using its catch phrases and its concepts. He’s speaking at QAnon conventions. And this film is being marketed to either specific QAnon believers or people who believe all the same tenets of QAnon, but claim they don’t know what it is.

CNN is particularly exercised about the film. Another “reporter” labeled it a “conspiracy theory.”

Some of the soy-boy critics resemble pedos from central casting, as these tweets show. Klee has protected his tweets, by the way; a Twitter user accused him of being “pedo curious.”

No Wonder They’re Worried

Looks aside, one can understand why CNN and others in the media are attacking Caviezel and the film.

Two top CNN producers were outed as pedos in 2021. One of them, Chris Cuomo sidekick John Griffin, pleaded guilty to sex with a nine-year-old girl and will spend 19 years in prison. CNN casheried Jake Tapper footboy Rick Saleeby after he was caught soliciting photos of an underage girl.

USA Today was forced to alter a pro-pedo headline over a pro-pedo story it kept behind a paywall, and in February, a top producer for ABC, James Meek, was arrested on child-porn charges.

Actor Corey Feldman alleges that pedos are the “biggest problem” in Hollywood. Pedos molested Feldman and fellow actor Corey Haim, who died in 2010. The boys were “passed around,” Little House on the Prairie actress Alison Angrim said.

Maybe They Love Pedos

So here is what we have: Pedo friendlies in the pedo-infested leftist mainstream media hate a movie about child sex traffickers because it’s “the sound of QAnon” and a “QAnon adjacent thriller.”

But that’s exactly what the pedos would say. 

The normal person wonders what would motivate such unalloyed fury, the critics’ unhealthy interest in defending child molesters as “MAPs” who don’t really molest kids, as Berlatsky claims, and the preposterous and dangerous claim that tales of worldwide child sex trafficking are mere “conspiracy theories.”

The film’s defenders on Twitter explain the critics’ unalloyed fury this way: They love pedos, and perhaps are curious about sex with children. Maybe some of them are pedos.

Either way, the near-uniform reaction among leftists tells us more about them than about Sound of Freedom.