LGBT Voices Should Not Be Given a Platform on the Right
Luis Miguel

What the Left cannot stamp out immediately, they infiltrate and destroy from within.

This has long been one of the most sinister yet brilliant workings of the leftists in America. Just look at how far the culture has come in a century. Within a hundred years’ time, the Marxists have completely eroded society to the point that grown men are now stripping in front of young children in public and no one bats an eyelash. A century ago, society would have dealt with such degenerates swiftly and unremorsefully.

The Left did not get to this point by sledgehammering its way into power. There was no need for an American Bolshevik Revolution. The revolution came about mostly “peacefully” through a steady, stealthy process of infiltration and co-opting. 

Part of the Left’s secret to success is its knack for not only co-opting the institutions of society at large (the schools, the media, the churches), but also co-opting the political opposition.

Even when there has been oppositional sentiment to the Marxist-globalist agenda in America, the Left has often been able to neutralize that backlash through the elevation of gatekeepers and controlled opposition who seem the say the things the Right wants to hear, but are actually in place to not let the Right “go too far to the right.”

One of the classic examples of this is National Review. For so long, that magazine and its founder, William F. Buckley, Jr., were seen as the paragons of conservatism and the leading voices against the left.

National Review’s true purpose was to win over the nation’s conservatives, but to neutralize them by persuading them to support globalist causes and keep them from actually being effective in the fight against the Left.

As former John Birch Society President John McManus wrote:

When Buckley was a student at Yale, the faculty member who influenced him more than any other was Willmoore Kendall. Kendall had been a proud Trotskyite socialist who had studied in England as a Rhodes scholar, served in the OSS during World War II, stayed on when the OSS became the CIA in 1947, and then became a Yale professor. He and Buckley developed a positively eerie relationship. When Buckley sought to avoid military service after finishing Yale during the Korean War, Kendall sent him to James Burnham, another Trotskyite socialist who had also seen service with the OSS and then with the CIA. The plan was to have Buckley avoid serving in the military by having him serve in the CIA instead.

The critical contribution Buckley made to the neoconservative cause was his taking the conservative movement away from reliance on the Constitution as the standard for Americans and replacing it with an ever-shifting conservatism — as defined by him. Before long Buckley would be excusing others for advocating socialistic programs. Then he began advocating socialistic programs himself. In 1971, he defended continued U.S. membership in the UN when Free China was booted out and Communist China welcomed in. In 1974, he accepted appointment as a delegate to the UN General Assembly and wrote a book about his experiences that dignified the existence of the UN. In 1977, his syndicated column called for ratification of the UN’s Genocide Convention.

In the same way that Buckley was, in McManus’ words, a “pied piper” of neoconservatism, so there are many pied pipers today attempting to steer the Right away from constitutionalism, Christian morality, and traditionalism.

One nefarious way in which the Left is infiltrating the Right is with open homosexuals and transvestites who claim to be Republicans, Trump supporters, conservatives, or any other variety of rightist.

Often, these individuals will make a big deal about being opposed to Democrats despite their  homosexual lifestyle. Sadly, conservatives often easily fall for this, readily jumping at the chance to give these individuals a platform because — no matter how much they say they’re against the Left — they desperately want liberals to see them as “hip” and “tolerant.”

“Look at us,” conservatives appear to say when elevating and fawning over LGBT Republican influencers. “We aren’t homophobic! We love gay people! So long as LGBT people vote for Trump, they can be and do whatever they want!”

When scrutinized, this makes no sense. The issue with transgenderism and the other varieties of LGBT is not just that they are voting for Democrats; it’s that it is mental illness and moral degeneracy and we want to minimize it in our society, not allow it to spread. Yet, by giving a platform to “gays for Trump” or “Trans Republicans,” conservatives are allowing it to spread — and are taking part in the normalization.

This is precisely what these “LGBT” Republicans are really after: The normalization of their decadent behavior by making conservatives believe that “the problem isn’t the degeneracy, the problem is the Democratic Party!” Just as with the Republicans who are fine with amnesty and gun control when it’s a Republican supporting it, all of this shows the lunacy into which people can fall when they allow binary, two-party ideas to completely dominate their way of thinking.

If the Right wants to accomplish more than simply getting people with R’s next to their name elected, if they actually want to reclaim the culture and make this nation great again, then they must stop elevating the Lady MAGAs of the world and quit giving a platform to every LGBT grifter who dons a MAGA hat.