Here Is What Trump Has to Do TODAY to Clinch GOP Presidential Nomination, Beat DeSantis by 50-Point Landslide and Become 2024 Presidential Frontrunner
Wayne Allen Root

The latest Harvard/Harris poll came out days ago. After months of negative media, slander and demonization of Trump by the mainstream media, social media, Democrats and Republicans… and after a raid on his Palm Beach estate by the FBI… just as I predicted on my national TV and radio shows, Trump is still leading by a landslide for the GOP Presidential nomination.

Trump is not only beating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by 20 points; he is leading President Joe Biden by 5 points. DeSantis only beats Biden by 3 points. So much for the argument that DeSantis is “more electable” than Trump.

As I’ve predicted over and over again for many months, Trump will be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. Period. End of story.

But the questions I’m dealing with here are: How big will his landslide be? How can he clinch the GOP presidential nomination right now (today)? And what can Trump do today that puts him in a formidable position to win the 2024 presidential race versus anyone Democrats nominate?

I have the perfect plan to “ice” it all for Trump TODAY.

Let me start with two stories about the COVID-19 vaccine everyone should hear — two personal gut-wrenching stories from two of my fans.

First comes a story texted to me by a Pennsylvania firefighter who listens to my national radio show every day. Here is his story from just days ago:

Firefighter “Dave” buys lottery tickets once a week at his neighborhood gas station in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The cashier who sells him the tickets is Melissa, 36 years old. For weeks she has been complaining about sharp pain in her legs after taking the COVID-19 jab.

She regretted ever taking it.

Last week Dave pulled into the gas station and saw an ambulance and police cars. Dave texted, “Wayne, hysterical co-workers just met me outside the store. They said Melissa was waiting on a customer and she just looked over at the other cashier with this weird look, and her eyes rolled up in her head, and she fell to the floor. One of the customers started giving her CPR. Unfortunately, she died right there on the spot. Melissa was such a sweetheart. And now she’s gone. The government needs to do the right thing and stop all these jabs immediately!”

Another fan of mine is a doctor. He wrote to tell me, “My patients who took the Covid vaccine are very ill. Several have died. So many are very sick. The ones having the worst problems are those who have gotten the booster. Two healthy patients developed ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) right after being boosted. I’m seeing so many heart attacks, strokes and cancer. A 38-year-old paramedic just ‘died suddenly.’ The terrible stories keep coming. It breaks my heart. I’m overwhelmed. Something is very wrong with this vaccine.”

Whether you agree, or not; whether Trump agrees, or not; the American people believe the COVID-19 vaccine is a disaster, a tragedy, a massive failure — and it’s causing thousands of “sudden deaths.” In particular, Trump’s base of voters believes something is very wrong.

This is DeSantis’ only advantage. But Trump can neutralize DeSantis and win the GOP presidential nomination by 50 points if he just announces these two things:

No. 1: Upon election as the 47th president of the United States, Trump promises to immediately issue an executive order banning any federal lockdowns, mask mandates or vaccine mandates ever again. And he needs to make it clear that with him as president, no American will ever again be forced to take any experimental vaccine for any reason. Period. “Your body, your choice.”

No. 2: Even if Trump personally approves of the vaccine and thinks the COVID-19 vaccine is a lifesaver, he must acknowledge the questions, debates, controversies and fear swirling around this vaccine — and for the good of the country, ask the GOP House to immediately open a congressional investigation into the COVID-19 vaccine, to once and for all settle this issue.

Congress must investigate whether this vaccine prevents COVID-19; prevents the spread of COVID-19; prevents hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19; directly causes terrible side effects and adverse medical events such as cardiac arrest, myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, “turbo cancer” and most importantly, “sudden death.”

Congress must investigate whether the American people were misled and fed propaganda about this vaccine by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the FDA and Big Pharma.

Did the FBI order media and social media to silence critics of the vaccine? Did they prevent the mention of any warnings or negative data about the COVID-19 vaccine? Did the FDA ignore trial results showing death and injuries? Why did Big Pharma try to seal trial results for 75 years? Did the FDA ignore the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — the vaccine early warning system? Did federal government agencies pay media to prevent any negative discussions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Is there a coverup of COVID-19 vaccine death and injuries by the media?

Despite Trump supporting the vaccine and believing it has saved lives, if he promises to use executive action to cancel, ban and prevent all mandates forever and calls for an immediate, fair and honest congressional investigation to present the truth about the COVID-19 vaccine to the American people…

Then Trump will clinch the GOP presidential nomination, beat DeSantis or any other challenger by 50 points or more and become the instant formidable frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election.

This is how No. 45 becomes No. 47 without ever actually changing his views on the vaccine.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s new No. 1 bestselling book is out, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book. Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America’s Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit for more information.