Covid Hospitals: The New Killing Fields?

Covid Hospitals: The New Killing Fields?

Washington bureaucrats dictate genocidal hospital protocols that exaggerate Covid mortality, boost official narratives, and leave families devastated. ...
Rebecca Terrell

Imagine that doctors tie your daughter down to a bed and administer increasing doses of drugs in a lethal combination until she turns cold, stops breathing, and dies. That horrifying scenario is what the father of 19-year-old Grace Schara described as happening — not in 1940s Nazi Germany — but last October in a Wisconsin hospital.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now numbers Grace among more than one million Covid deaths nationwide in the past two years. Seven days before she died, the hospital admitted her with Covid, but her father believes the drug overdose, not the disease, killed her. Many medical professionals he has consulted agree.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that they may have taken her life because she had Down syndrome,” Scott Schara told The New American. As Grace’s patient advocate under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), he was able to stay with her in the hospital — a rare occurrence in today’s Covid wards. There he witnessed what he thinks was a rigorous and organized agenda to end her life.

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