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The middle class must fork over trillions of dollars per year and submit to drastic social-engineering schemes to supposedly save the planet from alleged man-made global warming, according to governments and dictatorships from around the world gathered at a United Nations climate summit for two weeks. After four years of President Donald Trump standing in the way of the UN “climate change” agenda, the movement is now taking major steps at the 26th UN “Conference of the Parties” (COP26) in Glasgow to make up for lost time. The goal: shackle humanity under a draconian new world climate regime. Expect more madness in the days to come.

Under the vision laid out so far, Communist China and other dictatorships will promise to do virtually nothing for the foreseeable future to “solve” the supposed problem of CO2 emissions. Western policymakers, including the Biden administration and European governments, however, are vowing to redistribute vast amounts of wealth from their subjects to kleptocrats around the world, all while slashing the prosperity levels of their nations and destroying their own producers and middle-class tax base. Reliable energy systems are in the crosshairs, too.

One of the main items on the agenda is to secure massive “behavior change” of people around the world. The “chief scientist” of the U.K. government, which is hosting the UN confab this year, claimed this massive social-engineering project was absolutely necessary to prevent a supposed climate catastrophe. The Canadian government’s “chief scientific adviser,” Mona Nemer, sounded similarly dramatic, claiming humanity must submit to “profound behavioral and cultural change in terms of our relation to the Earth” in order to appease the imminent wrath of the climate.

Having failed to stoke enough fear with decades of hysteria around global cooling, global warming, and climate change, governments and virtually all of the establishment propagandists posing as journalists have shifted to the term “climate crisis” instead. The general narrative around COP26 goes like this: Benevolent “world leaders” are working hard to save humanity from CO2 emissions through draconian limits on energy and economic liberty, but government-funded protesters say even more tyrannical policy measures are needed to truly save Mother Earth.

To get a sense of the unhinged alarmism coming from the U.K. government hosting COP26 and the propaganda mouthpieces parroting the narrative, consider this gem reported by the far-left U.K. Guardian. “The UK Met Office warned that 1 billion people will be affected by extreme heat stress if the climate crisis raises the global temperature by just 2C,” the paper claimed after citing a “climate analysis coalition” claiming there would be 2.6 degrees of warming. “That includes heating to the point that the human body cannot cool itself by sweating and even healthy people sitting in the shade will die within six hours.”

In short, give up your money and your freedom or prepare to die.

With about a week left to go, a patchwork of different international agreements have emerged so far. One deal involving more than 100 governments aims to put vast restrictions on the use of forests, working to reduce and even end development. But even some of the key people and governments involved in the scheme are speaking out. “If the concept is that there is no deforestation, it means that there should be no roads, then what about the people, should they remain isolated?” wondered Indonesian Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar, asking a question that the pampered climate zealots in Scotland prefer not to answer.

Another deal involving more than two dozen governments seeks to rein in financial support for coal, oil, and natural gas internationally. “This move away from fossil fuel finance moves the dial and puts down a marker for all countries to shift their resources to renewables,” said “Senior Strategic Director” Jake Schmidt with the fringe left-wing Natural Resources Defense Council. “So, 20 countries getting off fossil fuel finance is real, and others need to step up, follow suit and shift to renewable energy — the sooner the better.”

Apparently enforcing feminism and removing men from positions of power will help save the climate, too. “The world as designed by men has destroyed many things. The world should begin thinking like women. If it was designed by a woman, it would end violence against women and children,” claimed Angelica Ponce, executive director of the “Plurinational Authority for Mother Earth” for the communist Bolivian regime. “We want to be in the corridors of power and take part in decisions at international level to end this struggle of climate justice.”

One of the major issues to be settled at COP26 is how large the taxpayer-funded bribes to Third World kleptocrats must be to secure their cooperation in the “climate” con. The British government’s propaganda service BBC reported that wealthier governments were “said” to be “resisting any commitments as they do not want to accept liability and risk being sued.” It was not immediately clear who, if anybody, actually “said” that, or if the BBC was simply making it up. Western politicians have already pledged to hand over $100 billion each year to their Third World counterparts in a slush fund known as the “Green Climate Fund.”

Meanwhile, “developing countries,” which is the BBC’s preferred propaganda term for Third Word governments and dictators, “argue that rich countries are responsible for most of today’s climate change impacts because they started emitting carbon much earlier than the rest of the world.” To the extent that any Third World kleptocrats are actually saying that, it is only because those are the talking points they were given by taxpayer-funded front groups serving global elites promising more “climate” loot extracted from Western taxpayers if they play the game. WikiLeaks documents exposed much of this fraud years ago with official U.S. State Department documents.  

But even the $100 billion annually already pledged for the global climate slush fund will not be enough, according to virtually every grifter at the UN summit. An alliance of island governments demanding even more loot as “loss and damage” to pay for all manner of natural disasters, for example, wants more and much more in perpetuity. “It is the only way we will be able to give our people a better chance at surviving, given the growing scale of the crisis and the need for significant action to address loss and damage,” the negotiator was quoted as saying by the BBC.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which has been wrong about virtually everything related to the climate for decades, also released a report during the summit claiming $100 billion was not enough. Instead, the UN agency said, some $500 billion per year from “developed countries” will be needed to finance the great “climate” wealth-redistribution agenda.

Even the head of the COP26, Alok Sharma, echoed those demands to move the goal posts. “Obviously, the $100 billion goal was first talked about in 2009 and then in 2015 in Paris. I mean, what I would say is that I think we all understand that it’s a significant amount of money,” Sharma said. “However, report after report internationally suggests that we’re going to have to mobilize trillions of dollars a year to support the transformation of economies around the world.”

After a brief stop in Rome to meet Pope Francis and others, Biden went to Glasgow to make even more pledges. Vowing to shower ever greater amounts of U.S. taxpayer money on “climate” issues around the world while imposing ever-more draconian restrictions on Americans at home, Biden sounded like the great globalist Santa Klaus. He was also famously photographed sleeping in his seat at the summit, drawing international ridicule under memes such as “somebody wake me up when the climate crisis is solved.”

As the UN summit was going on, Congress passed the $1.2 trillion “Infrastructure Bill” that will formalize many of the schemes being sought by the totalitarians masquerading as climate warriors. For instance, the legislation purports to mandate — in flagrant defiance of the U.S. Constitution — that state governments create plans to reduce CO2 emissions that would have to be approved by the federal government. The scheme also brings in “cap and trade” measures on energy production, which will cause higher prices across the board for Americans while shifting more jobs and business to Communist China.

A week after Biden’s appearance, former President Barack Obama, a key ally of Beijing, also showed up to relentlessly demonize former President Donald Trump and urge young people to “stay angry” and get involved in politics. Addressing the “young people,” he said he sympathized. “For most of your lives, you’ve been bombarded with warnings about what the future will look like if we don’t address climate change,” Obama said, claiming that the same world leaders bombarding them with climate propaganda supposedly “refuse to make the hard decisions necessary to address it.”

Climate guru Al Gore, who has made a fortune through climate cronyism, appeared at the summit to advocate an Orwellian global surveillance regime to find out who was emitting CO2 (the gas of life) without permission using satellites. Gore was quoted in a UN “Agenda 21” book for children demanding such a global surveillance program staffed by children. It was not immediately clear whether Gore’s myriad mansions or his enormous “carbon footprint” would become a target of the planetary surveillance regime, but it appears that the legions of VIPs such as Gore who rode to Glasgow in private jets will be exempt.

Sounding like every tyrant in human history, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a radical Democrat from California, declared that all of the radical policies being advanced at the UN summit were aimed at helping children. “This is all about the children,” she claimed at a press conference flanked by other members of Congress. “Leaving a world where they can be healthy, more secure, and more in reach of their fulfillment.”

Indeed, thousands of brainwashed children marched outside the COP26. Led by their fearless leader Greta “blah, blah, blah” Thunberg of Sweden, an autistic child brainwashed in public school to believe imminent “climate catastrophe” would bring about the apocalypse, the indoctrinated children made all sorts of demands. “Listen to young people,” many declared. Almost certainly not understanding the consequences, others called for an immediate end to “fossil fuels,” which would cause most of them to freeze or starve to death within weeks, and be unable to use smartphones or the Internet. Stopping everything from meat consumption to capitalism was on the agenda, too.

As happens at every major UN summit, the brainwashed phalanx of youngsters outside the venue were put there — often by tax-funded “Non-Governmental Organizations” — to make the radical politicians and kleptocrats inside seem like the responsible adults in the room. Appearing “moderate” by comparison, totalitarian zealots inside called for “just” global taxes on the gas of life, a more gradual shutting down of oil production, slightly less abusive global wealth-redistribution schemes, and other absurdities that would seem fantastical if not for the even more unhinged demands of children and “journalists” hollering around the venue for “climate justice.”

Ironically, the UN summit comes as the hypothesis underpinning the alarmist movement — that human emissions of CO2 are drastically heating up the planet — becomes increasingly discredited. In recent months, yet another peer-reviewed study emerged showing that, depending on what official data set is used, all of the changes in temperature of the last few decades can be explained by solar activity. Meanwhile, the number of debunked predictions from global-warming theorists continues to grow. Human emissions of CO2, a gas exhaled by every living person, still represent a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere.  

The New American magazine generally sends correspondents, including this writer, to UN “climate” summits each year. However, confusion surrounding COVID policies, testing, experimental injections, and other issues prevented the TNA team from being in Glasgow this year. Nevertheless, the coverage and exposure will continue. Stay tuned to TheNewAmerican.com for more updates in the days and weeks ahead.

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