About: Walter E. Williams

The Ticket to Prosperity

Today's Third World poverty is mostly self-inflicted — indigenously created. The growth-promoting characteristics of the non-poor countries that are all but absent in poor countries are protected private property...

The Cancer of Multiculturalism

Western values are by no means secure. They're under ruthless attack by the academic elite on college campuses across America. These people want to replace personal liberty with government...


Today's liberals are not racists, but they often behave that way. They would benefit immensely from considering some of the arguments in award-winning scholar Dr. Shelby Steele's forthcoming book, Shame:...

Economic Fairness and Justice

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of examples in which the economic game is rigged. Instead of focusing on what's claimed to be an unfair income distribution, we need to...

Tragic School Stories

Simply calling for more school resources will produce disappointing results. There are several minimum requirements that must be met for any child to do well in school. ...

Defense Against Demagogues

The greatest tool in the arsenal of demagogues is economic ignorance, which my colleagues in George Mason University's economics department battle against tooth and nail. ...

Basic Economics

Dr. Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics explains complex economic phenomena in a way that many economists cannot. And it provides an understanding of some economic phenomena that might prove elusive...