Hey, Don’t Blame Conservatives for Donald Sterling
The Left must really regret that Donald Sterling, the beleaguered owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, isn’t a conservative Republican. Wouldn’t they just love to slap the “racist” card...
The Left must really regret that Donald Sterling, the beleaguered owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, isn’t a conservative Republican. Wouldn’t they just love to slap the “racist” card...
If you’ve never heard of the National Popular Vote (NPV) interstate compact, I’m not surprised, despite the fact that this stealth attack on the Constitution is working its way...
The so-called gender pay gap has almost nothing to do with the sex of an employee and almost everything to do with career and life choices. But, of course,...
If you support the traditional view that marriage should be between a man and a woman, could that cost you your job? The intolerant left says the answer to...
When the debate over Obamacare began, we were told this massive takeover of our healthcare system by the Federal government was necessary, because something like 40 million Americans didn’t...
So the Democratic Congressman who helped get the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as the monstrosity called ObamaCare) shoved down our throats in 2010 now says he was double-crossed...
It’s time to tell Washington that in regard to Putin’s actions in the Crimean Peninsula, we’re going to mind our own business: no aid, no troops, no interference. ...
Chalk up another victory for the gay and lesbian lobby. They managed to stir up so much of a ruckus that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed a measure the...
What’s the single most important issue facing the country today? According to a recent Gallup poll, a majority of Americans says it’s jobs. We need more of them. Millions...
Well, the Republican leadership has done it again. In the battle over government spending, they waved the white flag of unconditional surrender. Believe it or not, they gave Barack...
Did you listen to Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday night? It was amazing to hear him tell Congress that he was going to do whatever...
The latest Index of Economic Freedom has come out, and the news for the United States isn’t good. The study, a joint effort of The Heritage Foundation and The...
If you like your light bulb, you can keep you light bulb. Of course, the Nanny State's prohibition of incandescent light bulbs — which predates Obama's presidency — makes...
Is the tide finally turning against the left in this country? Two important issues suggest that it may be. We’re a long way from being able to proclaim victory....
Now that the Obamacare website has been “fixed,” the Obama Administration has announced it will ramp up efforts to build support for its takeover of the American healthcare system....