Do the Media Want a Race War?
It’s no surprise that Al Sharpton and his fellow rabble-rouser, Jesse Jackson, are doing everything they can to stir passions to the boiling point regarding the death of Trayvon...
It’s no surprise that Al Sharpton and his fellow rabble-rouser, Jesse Jackson, are doing everything they can to stir passions to the boiling point regarding the death of Trayvon...
Has the price of gas hit $4 a gallon yet where you live? As I mentioned in last week’s column, several analysts predict that cost will seem cheap before...
The average prices of a gallon of gas and a barrel of oil are near 150-year highs. Most pundits expect them to go higher. Are you ready for $5-per-gallon...
Remember in the classic movie Casablanca how Captain Louis Renault pretended to be amazed when he was informed that gambling took place at Rick’s Café Américain? With a wink...
Riot police had to be called to an Orlando mall on February 23. Why? Because an unruly crowd of would-be shoppers couldn’t wait to get their hands on the...
That wasn’t a budget Barack Obama delivered to Congress. It was a campaign document. ...
Hey, look, it’s manna from heaven! If you lost your home to foreclosure, Barack Obama is going to see that you get a check for some 2,000 bucks. Free!...
Well, he didn’t make Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” But Warren Buffett did make the cover of the magazine last month. The picture showed him smiling an impish...
Newt Gingrich is the self-proclaimed candidate of "grandiose ideas." One of the most grandiose is his proposal that U.S. taxpayers spend untold trillions of dollars to establish a permanent...
Well, what do you know? The Supreme Court not only rebuffed another attack on our Constitution by Barack Obama’s minions, it did so in a unanimous decision. ...
Guess what? Barack Obama has found an opponent whose approval ratings are even lower than his own. So to kick off his re-election campaign, he’s decided to run against...
What is the biggest political lie of 2011? There are so many to choose from. I admit I was skeptical when PolitiFact said it was ready to declare the...
I’m not going to review all the dastardly lies, misstatements, and gross exaggerations Barack Obama has made since he assumed the highest office in the land. That would take...
During this season of massive over-commercialization, you may find it hard to believe there was a time when Christmas was no big deal. There were no stores full of...
Have OWS protesters infested your city yet? They haven’t infested mine, but I kind of wish they would. Earlier this week, they shut down all shipping through the port...