About: Steve Byas

Steve Byas

Steve Byas is a university instructor of history and government and the author of History’s Greatest Libels. He may be contacted at byassteve [at] yahoo.com.

Democrats Calling for Breyer to Retire

Presuming that former Vice President Joe Biden is going to be sworn into office on January 20 of next year, many Democrats are suggesting that long-serving Supreme Court Justice...

Trump’s Amazing Accomplishments

Though President Donald Trump has some significant flaws — in policy and personality — he has accomplished more than any president in recent decades. ...

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Vote Fraud: Here’s the Proof

Though anti-Trumpers claim that there is no evidence of vote fraud at levels significant enough to change the 2020 election, that is simply not true. ...

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Democrat Group Urges Anti-Christian Agenda on Biden

Arguing that evangelical Christianity “permeates every aspect of government policy,” including “health care, public and private education, foreign policy, tax policy, environmental policy, military policy, and more,” the group...

Vote Fraud: Here’s the Evidence

Most of Big Media, the Democrats, and even many Republicans — mostly RINOs — have proclaimed Joe Biden the undisputed winner of the 2020 presidential election. Yet the evidence,...