About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
A Real Duke Rape Case
We all remember the infamous Duke University rape frame-up case, in which three white lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black female stripper. It was front-page news...
Teachers Paid to do Nothing
In this age of budget woes and bailouts, it may surprise some to hear that governments are paying workers to do nothing. Yet that is exactly what is happening...
Putting Hollywood in the Hallowed
First there were “inclusive language” Bibles, which extended a bizarre form of chivalry to feminists with lexical peculiarities such as “Our Mother/Father who art in Heaven.” Now, there is...
Home Bible Study Threatened in Bonito, Calif.
If the Chinese need any help with their crackdown on the Falun Gong religious group, perhaps they should try to recruit San Diego County bureaucrats. Because if a recent...
Schooling in the Third Millennium: Bible Out, Sodom In
If anyone needs more evidence as to how we live in a topsy-turvy age of moral turpitude, two recent news stories provide it. One is out of the Marple...
13-Year-Old Cancer Victim & Parental Rights
Every so often there is a case in which parents refuse to submit their child to medical treatment, citing religious beliefs. The most recent example is the saga of...
California’s High Court Upholds Proposition 8
In a 6-1 ruling yesterday, the California Supreme Court voted to uphold Proposition 8, which amended the state’s constitution so as to define marriage as the union between a...
Movie Review: Angels and Demons
This weekend I saw Angels & Demons, the controversial film directed by Ron Howard and based on Dan Brown’s book by the same name. The movie is a sequel...
Critics Rebuke Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech at Israel’s Yad Veshem Holocaust Memorial this past Monday, during which he paid tribute to the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide. His words...
Spreading Christianity in Dar al-Islam
If our military is any indication, it just may be true that there are no atheists in a foxhole. The armed forces have long seemed to be an arena...
The Hoax That Is Hate-crime Laws
Back during Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, we became acquainted with the term “human shields.” This was the name given to innocent citizens whom the Iraqis would place in buildings...
Homosexual Judge Creates Stir at Miss USA Pageant
They say that no one remembers second place, but this year’s recently concluded Miss USA Pageant may prove that this isn’t always true. In fact, some articles about the...
Speaking Up About the Day of Silence
Today marks the 13th annual “Day of Silence,” an activist endeavor ostensibly designed to draw attention to the “problem” of “anti-gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender bullying.” Now officially sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian,...
Obama: Rescuing Dogs and Rending Babies
What a society talks about — and what it fails to — both speak volumes about it. And lately, the news has been replete with stories about the Obama’s...
Rick Warren’s Stance on Same-sex “Marriage”
Many think California pastor and author of The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren to be a purveyor of designer religion. Now these critics have been given some more ammunition...