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About: Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.

Hate-crime Laws Expand, Freedom Contracts

The Senate has just passed the greatest expansion of federal hate-crime "protections" since the legislation's inception in 1968. While the original law was limited to crimes motivated by race, religion, and...

The Prejudice of Atheists

Ever since the separation-of-church-and-state ruling in 1947, there has been an ever-intensifying effort to denude our public sphere of religious symbols and sentiments. The latest attack is a lawsuit to prevent...

Bailing Out Minority Broadcasters

If you understand the relative superiority of the free market, none of our government's recent business bailouts will find favor with you. Yet, while Uncle Sam's involvement in the auto and...

Bruno: Some Dare Call It Art

If art imitates life, then life is starting to seem an awful lot like death. This occurs to me when I think about Bruno, the latest film disgorged by English comedian...

Death in Russia: “Killing Girls”

Sad though it is, man has seldom had much trouble killing his youngest fellows. If the ancient Spartans perceived any imperfection in a child, for instance, they would “expose” him, which...

Too Much Media Action for Jackson

It seems as if Michael Jackson has done the impossible. That is, he appears to be getting more media coverage — and more of the favorable variety — in death than...

A Real Duke Rape Case

We all remember the infamous Duke University rape frame-up case, in which three white lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black female stripper. It was front-page news coast to...

Teachers Paid to do Nothing

In this age of budget woes and bailouts, it may surprise some to hear that governments are paying workers to do nothing. Yet that is exactly what is happening in New...

Putting Hollywood in the Hallowed

First there were “inclusive language” Bibles, which extended a bizarre form of chivalry to feminists with lexical peculiarities such as “Our Mother/Father who art in Heaven.” Now, there is something equally...