About: Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and is the oldest of five children. She acquired both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English at the University of Albany in upstate New York. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two children and has been a writer for TNA since January 2010.


Cable Service When Jessica Nash Donnahoo found herself overwhelmed during a service visit from her cable technician on March 16, she was surprised to learn that her technician provided...

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The Goodness of America

Love Letters From Dogs  Seven-year-old Emma Mertens of Hartland, Wisconsin, Emma received a devastating diagnosis, and so people all over the country are doing their best to cheer her...

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The Goodness of America

Free Pizza, Warm Hearts When York County, Pennsylvania, was struck by yet another snowstorm in February, Delta Pizza stayed open to serve the first responders and anyone who needed...

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Signs An entire neighborhood in Newton, Massachusetts, has taken up sign language to communicate with two-year-old neighbor Samantha Savitz.  Savitz was born deaf, CBS News reported, and can only...

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