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About: John F. McManus

John F. McManus

John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society

Russell Means Dead at 72

One of the earliest members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) after it was founded in 1969, Russell Means died of natural causes at his ranch in Porcupine, South...

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Prominent Law Professor Claims bin Laden Succeeded in Changing America “Our terrorism laws have transcended bin Laden and even 9/11. They have become the status quo. That is the...

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Supreme Court Justice Needs a Reminder About EPA’s Creation “Asking a court to set standards for emissions sounds like the kind of thing that EPA does. Congress set up...

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Anti-American Islamic Cleric Will Protest U.S. Plans to Remain in Iraq “The first thing we will do is escalate the military resistance activity and reactivate the Mahdi Army in...

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Mending Our Monetary Maladies

Edwin Vieira, Jr. is an attorney who has won three cases before the Supreme Court of the United States. He earned four degrees from Harvard University, including his doctorate. ...