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About: John F. McManus

John F. McManus

John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society

Orlando Was Not a Senseless Crime

Headlines and electronic media have been full of the gory details surrounding the horrendous crime in Orlando. At least 50 are dead (one being the killer) and more are wounded....

COOL and the WTO

The World Trade Organization (WTO), a UN agency, has four times ruled against the United States and our COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) mandate. ...

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Backing Trump and Scorching Hillary “Hillary is extremely happy with the Obama foreign policy. It’s almost an urban legend that somehow she would be tougher, more hawkish [than Obama]....

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As Russian Submarine Fleet Grows, Cold War Rivalries Also Grow “We’re back to the great powers competition.” U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson openly worried about Russia’s...

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Restrooms by Choice?

As the assault on our nation’s cultural underpinnings continues, the latest attack against morality and sanity involves a choice of restrooms. ...

The Refugee Flood and UNHCR

Completely unknown to most Americans, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is playing a dramatically important role in dealing with the refugee crisis. This...