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About: Daniel Natal

Russian To War

Washington’s neocon elite have wanted war with Russia since the 1980s. Because of their reckless belligerence, Reagan banished them and called them “The Crazies”. After wandering in the wilderness...

Corruption? You Can Bank On It

At the beginning of this week, the stock market buckled with the news that the Federal Reserve might choke off liquidity by increasing interest rates. The Central Bank has...

The Dangers of Mass Man

In the 1950s, philosophers and psychologists worried about the effects of mass culture on human beings. As the system crushed out the miracle of human personality, it favored a...

Creepy Men in White Vans

The difference between a statesman and a politician is that the statesman has long-term thinking, while the politician’s time-horizon is as short as the next election. Socrates feared democracy...

The Reinvention of the Global Order

According to historian Peter Turchin, for an empire to exist it requires a unifying ideology to overcome difference in race, culture and language from among its subjects. Because of...

Salem, Revisited

In 1692, Salem, Massachusetts fell prey to a ‘mania for persecution,’ whereupon social order eroded under unreasoning fear about an invisible (and unprovable) threat. Healthy, normal people were accused...

Cruz’ing for a Bruisin’

Senator Ted Cruz referred to the Constitutional right to petition the government for grievances as “a terrorist act” and framed American citizens as dangerous subversives. He was taken to...


A “timocracy” is a form of government whereby a property ownership requirement is attached to the ability to vote or hold office. See how Common Core textbooks fundamentally misunderstand...

Stars We Lost in 2021

We wish to commemorate some of the stars we lost in 2021. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Daniel Natal Show are solely those of the host and...

Operation Mockingbird

The media’s job is, in large part, to gaslight the public. It is not there to inform you but to “manufacture consent” for various initiatives. One crucial element toward...

Two Versions of Truth

“What is truth?” asked Pontius Pilate. Many people have wrestled with the question for the centuries. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger breaks it down by saying that, for some...

My Two Cents

The dollar is currently worth about two cents of its original value. The last time this happened (back in 1787), there was an economic reset . . . and...

Get Broke, Go Woke

A common saying is “Get woke, go broke”. But this expression is backward. In reality, the process is reversed: Get broke, go woke. As companies hovered on the edge...

Late Stage Globalism

In the run-up to the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette was reported to have been told that the peasants were starving and had no bread to eat, whereupon she said...