Kicking Away the Ladder (Part 5)
The fifth installment of our “Kicking Away the Ladder” series focuses on the War on the Middle Class. The historical norm is feudalism, with a tiny oligarchical class and...
The fifth installment of our “Kicking Away the Ladder” series focuses on the War on the Middle Class. The historical norm is feudalism, with a tiny oligarchical class and...
The government created the HAARP program to shoot beams into the ionosphere of the planet and to see how it could (in theory) affect weather patterns. Is this technology being used...
Jerod Jordan is an Atlanta native, who’s noticing a persistent theme of the Powers That Be promoting the normalization of vice to his community. Shocked by the marketing of...
People have noticed that the internet today is not like the internet from even a few years ago. Increasingly, it resembles China’s censored internet with its social credit system....
“Democracy,” in classical political science, was the old word for what we now call “socialism.” As America lurches from a republic into a democracy, it has shifted from its...
In 1887, a group of occultists created a mystery school calling its “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”. Many cultural figures that exerted a great influence on our society passed through...
In a republic, communication is key. It is necessary to persuade the people. As a result, the art of oratory and rhetoric is promoted. However, when empires displace republics,...
This episode of Under the Iceberg covers the subject of artificial intelligence. Are we heading toward what futurists call The Singularity, and if so, what dangers might we encounter as a...
John Locke said, “Government has no other end, but the preservation of property”. If so, then why (all over the country) are police forces refusing to defend property and...
In 1984, Jaime Shandera and Bill Moore received a package with no return address on it, containing a roll of 35-millimeter film. On the film were what purported to...
Fear is proven to lower intelligence (due to hormones which are released which cause a fight-or-flight response that channels energy away from the brain to the limbs). Governments have...
When Michael Faraday described magnetic fields in the 19th Century, he was ridiculed by the Scientific community. They said that he was describing “influence at a distance,” which they equated with...
The United States has a “mixed form of government,” based on the three classical forms (namely, monarchy, aristocracy and republic). We based the Presidency on monarchy, senate on aristocracy...
Natalism is from the Latin word for “birth” [natalis], and refers to a movement whereby people assert the dignity of human life and the importance of children and families....
The Jesuit sect operated as a sort of early proto-intelligence agency for the Catholic Church. How did they set the template by which other secular intelligence agencies evolve? DISCLAIMER:...