Trump Rids Himself of Coats, but Is His Proposed Replacement Any Better?
After Dan Coats resigned, it looks as if President Trump, who promised to "drain the swamp," is preparing to replace Coats with yet another insider. ...
After Dan Coats resigned, it looks as if President Trump, who promised to "drain the swamp," is preparing to replace Coats with yet another insider. ...
The Democrats who have hounded President Trump since before he even took office seem to live by two mottos: “Don’t let the facts get in the way of a...
A Project Veritas video interview with a senior Google engineer confirms what many already expected, even if they couldn’t prove it: Google and other Big Tech companies are manipulating...
Washington State liberals passed a law attempting to track and control guns. Law officers across that state are blocking its use, recognizing that it is unconstitutional and wrong. ...
After being appointed as special counsel to investigate Trump-Russian collusion allegations, Robert Mueller became a household name, but he has been a Deep State lackey for ages. ...
Former Virginia State Delegate Robert G. Marshall goes through how religious liberties and other rights have been lost in the country, and how to get them back. ...
As National Police Week comes to a close, The John Birch Society has some great ideas for how you can support your local police and keep them independent all...
As federal agents investigated the illegal activities of American citizens assisting the “migrant caravan” of illegal aliens breaching America’s borders last year, the FBI discovered a plot for Antifa...
Riding an anti-Trump wave of negativity and baseless attacks, 2020 Democrat hopeful (and primary poll leader) former Vice President Joe Biden spent 40 minutes Monday night telling a crowded...
After two years of being on the defensive as the Deep State and its political allies attempted to undermine and deligitimize his presidency, President Donald Trump now appears ready...
That former Vice President Joe Biden has announced his third attempt at the White House was a surprise to no one who has paid any attention to Washington politics....
Judge James L. Buckley holds the rare distinction of having served in all three branches of the federal government. Even rarer among one who has spent nearly five decades...
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month-long investigation of alleged Russian collusion and interference in the 2016 election is summarized in a 448-page report released (in redacted form) mid-day Thursday. The...
Neither this writer nor The New American claims to have any evidence that the Notre Dame fire was the work of either radical Islamists or radical secularists. But given...
Notre Dame Cathedral has stood for over 800 years. It survived the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. It survived World Wars I and II. Monday night, the cathedral...