In their war against humanity, global elites have proven that they will support almost any idea — no matter how kooky — that can be said to help save the planet from the “cancer” that is humanity.

Among recent ideas that have come about is a scheme to reduce our meat intake (because eating hamburgers is bad for the planet, supposedly) by switching over to an insect-based diet. A 2018 study by German and Swiss scientists made it sound really appetizing.

“The rising interest in entomophagy (i.e., insect consumption by humans) results not only from the increased attention paid to anthropogenic climate change but also from recent advances in agricultural technology and food safety, which make insects a viable option for industrial and private production.”

But taking our meat away and forcing us to eat bugs isn’t the only way in which globalists hope to change our dietary habits. In addition to substituting hot dogs with houseflies, there’s another source of protein that climate hysterics want us to consider: each other.

In an article published by Newsweek in August, psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie pondered humanity’s taboo against cannibalism. The two psychologists argue that, since many other members of the animal kingdom engage in the practice, humans could do it, too.

“We suspect that we could adapt to human flesh if need be,” Piazza and McLatchie declared.

In addition to “adjusting” the diet of humanity, globalists also want us to give up privacy, individuality, and comfort for the sake of the climate. “Pod housing” is all the rage right now in San Francisco and Los Angeles. It’s billed as a type of “co-housing,” where tenants, or “members” pay a fee for, basically, a bed in a building shared by many others — no private bathrooms or kitchens.

But those pods may seem luxurious when compared to the recycled sewer pipes that some are now choosing to live in. Called Opod Tube Houses, these reclaimed pieces of sewer pipes are now being made into mini apartments for urban dwellers. Once ready to be occupied, the tubes can be stacked on top of each other to save space like a human ant farm.

“Constructed out of low-cost and readily available 2.5m diameter concrete water pipe, the design utilizes a strong concrete structure to house a micro-living apartment for one/two persons,” says a company promo.

“Opod Tube Houses can be stacked to become a low-rise building and a modular community in a short time and can also be located/relocated to different sites in the city.”

Ah, the American Dream — to live in my own furnished sewer pipe and have all the bugs in my dorm-room refrigerator that I could ever eat. And for dessert, we can eat Grandma!

Eating bugs, cannibalism, sewer pipe housing: Are these people really attempting to solve climate change or just humiliate the population of the Earth?

We all know that anthropogenic global warming, which will supposedly lead to catastrophic climate change, is being pushed as science, but it’s really just philosophy. It’s the same philosophy that’s been pushed by the likes of Thomas Malthus (Malthusian Catastrophe) in the 18th century, and Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb) and James Lovelock (Gaia Hypothesis) more recently. Simply put, man is the problem. Humans, through overpopulation and unbridled consumption, will ultimately destroy the Earth if left unchecked.

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At CNN’s climate town hall in early September, Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made a comment that many took to be a gaffe. In answering a question about climate change, Sanders appeared to suggest that a main component to fighting the made-up menace of anthropogenic global warming was…abortion.

After attacking the Mexico City Agreement, a policy that denies U.S. money to foreign NGOs that perform or endorse abortion as a method of family planning, Sanders said, “I think, especially in poor countries around the world, where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies, and where they can have opportunity to birth control to control the number of kids they have is something I very, very strongly support.”

While many political commentators simply dismissed Sanders’ answer as a simple blunder, the truth is that he was merely stating a belief that globalist elites truly hold — that the world would be far better off with fewer people in it.

Abortion and climate change are a part of the same culture of death that global elites look to create.

Image: imagedepotpro via iStock / Getty Images Plus