Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to some side effects certain to displease climate hysterics. In a new policy statement released on February 27, new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced changes in Germany’s defense posture and a new energy policy designed to end German reliance on Russian sources of energy.

Among those plans is to build up reserves of coal and liquified natural gas (LNG) from other sources and expand the nation’s nuclear energy for the short term. Currently Germany relies on Russia for 60 percent of its gas imports, 50 percent of its coal, and 35 percent of its oil.

“We have decided to increase the amount of natural gas in storage via long-term options to two billion cubic meters. Furthermore, we will acquire additional natural gas on the world markets – in consultation with the EU,” Scholz told members of the Bundestag.

Scholz also announced plans to reduce energy prices for German citizens by lifting certain surcharges and taxes coveted by the climate hysteric community and offering government assistance in the form of subsidies for citizens.

“This week we have therefore agreed on a relief package, which includes lifting the surcharge under the Renewable Energy Sources Act by the end of this year, as well as an increase in the commuter tax allowance, a heating subsidy for low earners, subsidies for families and tax relief measures,” Scholz declared. “The Federal Government will act swiftly to set these in motion…. Our message is clear. We will not leave individuals and businesses to face this situation alone.”

Scholz also suspended the certification of the Nord Stream 2 LNG pipeline, which was completed in September of last year. Although the pipeline was completed, both Germany and the EU have yet to certify the pipeline to pump gas. Former President Donald Trump had imposed sanctions against the pipeline in December of 2019. Current President Joe Biden ended those sanctions in July of last year. Biden would re-impose those sanctions on February 23, after Russia advanced against Ukraine.

After Scholz’s address, Germany’s economy minister Robert Habeck noted that allowing coal plants to possibly run longer than their currently scheduled shut down date of 2030 was also a possibility in order to ensure Germany’s energy system. In addition, the nation’s three nuclear plants — owned by German energy firms E.ON , RWE and EnB — might be allowed to run longer than their current shutdown date of 2022, according to Habeck.

“It is part of my ministry’s tasks to answer this question,” Habeck said, referring to the nuclear plants. “I would not reject it on ideological grounds.”

Of course for climate hysterics, more nuclear power should be a good thing since that form of energy has next to no emissions, but for political reasons, climate activists are four-square against nuclear power.

“There are no taboos on deliberations,” Habeck said regarding Germany becoming independent of Russia when it comes to energy supply.

“Being able to choose also means, in case of doubt, saying goodbye to Russian gas, coal or oil. And should Russia wilfully cut off this supply, then the decision has of course been made,” Habeck asserted.

Should Russia cut off Germany’s supply of energy — a strong possibility given the situation — Habeck is doubtful that the Russian energy genie could be resurrected.

“In that case they will never be rebuilt. I think the Kremlin knows that, too.”

While Germany appears to see the writing on the wall as it concerns energy realism, the Biden administration continues on in its climate change inspired energy policy, which is currently resulting in the highest gasoline prices in several years in the United States.

During the Trump administration, the United States achieved energy independence for the first time in a generation. But Biden made the United States energy dependent again with a few strokes of his pen — ending the Keystone XL pipeline and ending energy exploration on public lands among those decisions.

Biden and his minions want to put all of our eggs in the renewable energy basket, and by pursuing this agenda they are closing their eyes to the reality that wind and solar energy are not up to the task of powering our nation — not even close.

Even far-left Germany is waking up to that reality. Will Joe Biden ever wake up?