“Moderate” President of Brazil Rallies Communist Party Allies
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Between confiscating land from its owners at gunpoint and collaborating with the world’s most ruthless despots in the ongoing conquest of Latin America for socialism, supposedly “moderate” Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff found time to rally the troops and re-affirm her alliance with Marxists at the Communist Party of Brazil’s 13th Congress. Virtually nobody noticed it — especially in the establishment press — but the dramatic scene featuring the radical Brazilian leader speaking next to giant posters of Karl Marx and mass-murdering Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin was captured on camera and posted online.

The crowd at the Communist Party (PCdoB) summit, which took place late last week under the banner “to advance in change,” certainly loved the spectacle. As President Rousseff, a key figure in the extreme “Workers’ Party” (Partido dos Trabalhadores, or PT), approached the podium, the Communist Party zealots stood up, clapped their hands above their heads, chanted, and cheered. “The Communist Party of Brazil, it’s good to say, was the only party, aside from the PT, which stood beside [former Brazilian President and fellow PT leader Luiz Inacio ‘Lula’ da Silva] in all of the elections since 1989,” Rousseff told the roaring crowd before her remarks were drowned out by hysterical chanting. She also celebrated communist terrorists and the deep bonds between her party and the communists, who she said were fighting “the good battle” on behalf of the people of Brazil. 

Critics of the Brazilian president, who are working to expose her extremism and the role she plays in the ongoing conquest of the region for socialism, said the video showed Rousseff’s true colors. “The ideology that Dilma and her guerilla comrades tried to foist on Brazil in the 1960s, and are now trying to impose through peaceful schemes, has become very clear,” noted a Brazilian Judeo-Christian anti-communist group known as Right Now in comments about the video. “We are walking toward a dictatorship of the proletariat.”   

Renowned Brazilian philosopher and conservative author Olavo de Carvalho, meanwhile, made similar observations about what is going on in Brazil in the wake of last week’s events. “Whoever still believes in the possibility of unseating the PT in elections, do the math: The left conquered cultural hegemony in the 1960s,” he noted. “They came to power by elections in 2003. The ‘right’ barely dares to dream of future cultural hegemony. If it can be re-conquered by around 2030, maybe [the right] could reach power by 2070, if communism has not consolidated power to the point of prohibiting all electoral competition.” 

Outside of a handful of newspapers and obscure communist publications in Latin America, it appears that media coverage of Rousseff’s participation at the Communist Party’s Congress — not to mention her deeply controversial and revealing comments — has been virtually non-existent. Still, the Brazilian president took to Twitter to reiterate her support for the PT-Communist Party collaboration. “This alliance has stayed solid for so long because there is identification in our commitments to a Brazil that is just, sovereign, and democratic,” she claimed, apparently without a trace of irony.    

As if on a mission to shout her support for the Communist Party of Brazil and shatter the bogus conventional wisdom of “moderation,” Rousseff followed up that Tweet with several more boasting of the key role the radical Marxists play in her rule. “The Brazilian Communist Party shares with me the challenge of ruling Brazil,” she explained. “It helps me with the force of its political unity.” Rousseff then went on to say that the Communist Party was helping her government prepare for the Olympic Games and the World Cup soccer championship set to be held in Brazil.

Despite past efforts of Rousseff and her PT cohorts to portray the Brazilian government’s leadership as “moderate” — a deeply deceitful ploy that has been facilitated by the establishment press and powerful forces from Brazil and China to Europe and the United States — regular readers of The New American magazine know better. It is widely known, for example, that Rousseff was a “former” communist terrorist in her younger days. While she may have abandoned outright terrorism for the moment, her zeal for imposing communist tyranny on Brazil and the broader region remains as fervent as ever. 

The Marxist machinations of the PT and its co-conspirators go much deeper than even the recent spectacle. Her PT predecessor and mentor as Brazilian president, known affectionately as “Lula,” not only hand-picked Rousseff to take over Brazil, he was actually a central figure in the ongoing totalitarian takeover of Latin America. Working with Communist Cuban despot Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas, Marxist narco-terrorist groups, and a broad coalition of socialist and communist forces, Lula was one of the chief founders of the São Paulo Forum (Foro de São Paulo, or FSP).

The shadowy network now dominates regional politics, with most national governments and transnational institutions in the region firmly under the control of its members. While much of the scheming is now out in the open — some analysts downplay the phenomenon by referring to it all as a mere “pink tide” — the Marxist agenda and the collaboration remains largely unknown to the masses in the region and worldwide. However, the communist network, which includes over 100 socialist and communist political parties, terror groups, and “social” outfits, was recently in the spotlight after a former U.S. ambassador highlighted its machinations in the Miami Herald.           

The Communist Party of Brazil summit last week also featured discussions on cultural issues, the celebration of a notorious communist terrorist leader in Brazil known as Osvaldão, and much more. According to a Red TV reporter covering the summit, the high point of the recent Communist Party Congress, though, was the “political” component. Along with Rousseff, other totalitarian-minded luminaries participating in the Marxist event included Fernando Haddad, a member of the ruling Workers’ Party (PT) and the mayor of São Paulo, who formerly served as Brazil’s “education minister.” He told the crowd that the Communist Party was the PT’s “older and wiser brother.”

At the 13th Congress, another hot topic was denouncing the prosecution of top officials involved in a major corruption and vote-buying scheme during Lula’s presidency. Known as the Mensalão scandal, it involved the use of huge sums of taxpayer money, funneled through government-owned “companies,” to literally bribe members of the Brazilian Congress into supporting legislation favored by Lula’s radical administration and the PT.

Also exposed in the press amid the uproar over the bribes were massive contributions to PT politicians and causes from the communist regime in Cuba and the Marxist narco-terrorist group “FARC” in Colombia, both intimately associated with the FSP network. Indeed, Renato Rabelo, the president of the Brazilian Communist Party, began his talk at the 13th Congress by expressing “solidarity” with the Marxist criminals — or at least the fall guys — busted in the explosive scandal.    

When Rousseff is not celebrating Marx and Lenin with the Communist Party, her administration — or “regime,” as critics refer to it — spends its time following their blueprints for imposing tyranny. As The New American reported exclusively earlier this year, for example, federal Brazilian troops wearing United Nations insignia were evicting entire towns at gunpoint and seizing the land under bogus pretexts. More recently, propaganda organs of the communist autocracy ruling Cuba celebrated Rousseff’s executive decrees that step up land expropriations under the guise of “agricultural reform.”

In terms of foreign policy outside of Latin America, Rousseff and her administration are also working closely with the communist and socialist regimes in China, Russia, India, and South Africa. Dubbed the BRICS, the powerful alliance said in its recent “eThekwini Declaration” that the end goal is to further empower the UN for “global governance” and create a global currency. Within Latin America, meanwhile, Brazilian authorities have been intimately cooperating with Marxist despots and socialist rulers to erect a vast patchwork of totalitarian-dominated “transnational” “integration” outfits like CELAC, UNASUR, and more.

Of course, when not in full control, communist parties and movements have historically tended to talk publicly of virtues like “justice” and “peace.” Whenever they manage to seize the coercive apparatus of the state, however, bloodshed, tyranny, terror, purges, re-education, and mass-murder almost inevitably follow. Among the myriad examples: North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, China, Russia, Eastern Europe, Cambodia, and more. While precise figures are difficult to come by, thanks mostly to communist efforts to conceal their crimes from the outside world, conservative estimates suggest that communist regimes murdered well over 100 million people in the 20th century alone. 

Despite occasional anti-totalitarian rhetoric coming out of Washington, D.C., meanwhile, the U.S. government is fully aware of what is happening in Latin America and Brazil. Indeed, the powerful global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, which, in the words of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, tells the State Department “what we should be doing,” has been a key player all along. Most recently, its “Latin American Studies” boss, Julia Sweig, was exposed for her myriad close associations with the Castro regime. A former U.S. military intelligence officer even labeled Sweig an “agent of influence” for Havana.

At the same time, the Obama administration continues to shower billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars on Brasilia and its allies under the guise of everything from “foreign aid” to supporting its state-run oil behemoth Petrobras. If the Marxist network can continue advancing its aims sheltered from media and public scrutiny, experts say, the future of Brazil and Latin America more broadly look bleak at best. However, opposition forces believe that with enough effort, it is still possible to stop the agenda in its tracks and reverse the tide of tyranny.    

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe after growing up in Latin America, including four years in Brazil. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

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