In Latin America, Russia and China Push New World Order

Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping visited Latin America this month to push a new “international order” and boost relations between their regimes and the region’s totalitarian-minded rulers, signing huge deals with their counterparts in the Western Hemisphere on everything from trade and economic cooperation to military issues and espionage. According to analysts, the official Sino-Russo trips to the region highlight the fast-shifting geopolitical scene, with the world being shepherded in controlled fashion toward a new, “multi-polar” world order featuring a neutered United States and more unaccountable “global governance.”

From the start, Putin emphasized the agenda behind his trip. “We are interested in strong, economically stable and politically independent, united Latin America that is becoming an important part of the emerging polycentric world order,” he said. On the domestic front, Putin touted his emerging “Eurasian Economic Union,” a misnamed “trade” bloc bringing together several “former” Soviet regimes. In Latin America, the ex-KGB figure touted similar integration schemes — particularly the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which includes all governments in the Americas except the United States and Canada.

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It is not just CELAC, founded in recent years by Latin American socialists with strong Sino-Russo support as a “counterweight” to U.S. “imperialism,” that Putin is interested in. In fact, the Russian strongman said Moscow is “open to substantive interaction with all integration formations in the Latin American region.” That would include the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the Pacific Alliance, the Central American Integration System (SICA), and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Putin said in Havana.

“It is vital that all these associations, as they develop their external relations, should work towards the unity of Latin American countries … both politically and ideologically,” Putin said. “We hope that consolidation of multilateral cooperation will be an additional factor in the successful development of our bilateral relations with Latin American partners.” Similar trends are taking place around the world, the Russian ruler observed, saying, “Integration processes in Latin America reflect to a large extent the worldwide regional integration tendencies and indicate the pursuit of political consolidation in the region and reinforcement of its influence on global affairs.”

Chinese Communist ruler Xi was also travelling the region this month making similar deals and statements about the emerging new order. Beijing and Latin America should “jointly push forward the international order,” “strengthen the global economic governance,” and advance the “sustainable development cause,” the tyrant said in a statement released by Beijing’s “Foreign Ministry.” He also proposed strengthening the “connectivity” between the BRICS regimes and South American governments.

The autocratic Chinese and Russian rulers actually crossed paths in Brazil in mid-July to unveil a new-world “development bank” at what may have been their most important stop. Discussions on the international banking outfit, supposedly designed to serve as a “counterweight” to Western-dominated institutions, have been ongoing for years. At this year’s annual “BRICS” meeting, the socialist- and communist-minded governments ruling over Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, finally signed the deal to put it all together.

Brazilian president and former communist terrorist Dilma Rousseff, who makes no secret of her ongoing affinity for Marxism-Leninism and the brutal Castro regime, said the five BRICS governments “are moving toward a new global architecture.” According to Rousseff, the new institution will “represent an alternative for the financing needs of the developing countries” and “will compensate for the deficiencies in credit” that currently exist in outfits such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The radical Brazilian leader also claimed the new outfit would contribute to “global financial stability” while giving the BRICS regimes a greater voice in global governance issues.

More than a few analysts have wildly misdiagnosed what the latest developments mean, claiming that the new BRICS bank somehow represents a “challenge” to the Western establishment’s vision for what it calls a “New World Order.” In reality, though, most of the BRICS regimes and their allies have strong backing from the U.S. and European political class. Even the term BRICS was concocted by Goldman Sachs. And they are all pushing virtually the same nightmarish plot for a “New World Order”; at least if their own public declarations and statements are to be believed. Just last month, Beijing and over 130 other national governments at the G-77 signed a declaration calling for a “New World Order to Live Well.” It is, of course, the same order pushed by Barack Obama, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the United Nations, and more.

At the latest BRICS summit, Rousseff’s comments sounded very similar to statements made by Putin and Xi during their visit. Citing the emerging Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) modeled on the European Union, Rousseff even bragged about how each BRICS member regime “has incentivized the mechanisms of economic integration and regional governance.” Other BRICS rulers offered similar comments, including South African President Jacob Zuma, a “former” communist whose regime has been implicated by top experts in preparations for genocide and is currently beginning the “radical Second Phase” of the ongoing communist revolution.

Putin’s first stop on his Latin American tour was Cuba, which has been ruled by the Stalinist-minded Castro regime since the U.S. government helped the murderous communists seize power and enslave the island more than five decades ago. During the Cold War, Havana served as a key ally of the Soviet dictatorship in Moscow. It appears that the longtime friendship between the two regimes is growing even closer, with Putin and military dictator Raul Castro signing a dozen wide-ranging deals on economic and “security” matters. Among other agreements, Moscow pledged to help revive the Castro regime’s oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, right off of the U.S. coast.

Perhaps the most important development out of the Cuba trip was the reported agreement to re-open a key Soviet-era spy base in Lourdes, outside Havana, that was closed by Putin in 2001. Two decades ago, Castro boasted that 75 percent of the Russian government’s “strategic intelligence” on the United States was acquired through the facility, the New York Times reported in an article about the base being reopened. In exchange for reopening the base, Moscow reportedly agreed to write off 90 percent of the Castro regime’s $32 billion in Soviet-era debt to Russia, with the remaining 10 percent going toward joint “investments” in Cuban infrastructure.

Putin promptly downplayed reports about reopening the massive espionage post on the communist-ruled island. “Russia is capable of fulfilling the defense capacity tasks without this component,” he was quoted as saying in state-run Russian media, contradicting earlier reports citing Russian officials. However, Reuters and other media outlets later confirmed that a “provisional agreement” to reopen the base had indeed been reached. When the spying operation was originally shut down, Putin claimed it was a “goodwill” gesture toward Washington. It was not immediately clear how useful the base would be more than a decade after it was shuttered.

As The New American reported this month, a broad coalition of Western globalists, Big Business interests, the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and other forces have recently been working in the open to legitimize the Castro regime after decades of global-pariah status. Putin joined in shortly thereafter. “We will provide support to our Cuban friends to overcome the illegal blockade of Cuba,” Putin was quoted as saying on July 11, referring to the U.S. trade embargo imposed on the mass-murdering Castro autocracy in a supposed effort to sanction Havana.

Weeks later, China’s relatively new overlord ended his trip to Latin America this week with a visit to Cuba, where Putin’s began. “Xi Jinping pointed out that the two parties and countries have glorious revolutionary histories, and the revolutionary martyrs are precious spiritual treasure motivating us to continuously move forward,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Of course, no public mention was made of the tens of millions of innocent people slaughtered during those allegedly “glorious revolutionary histories.”

On his own Latin American expedition, Communist Chinese despot Xi also celebrated his regime’s ongoing and deepening alliance with the Castro autocracy. The two communist regimes signed more than two dozen agreements ranging from extending Chinese credit to the Castro dictatorship to modernizing infrastructure and building golf courses. “China is full of confidence about the future development of relations between our country and Cuba, and that we will forever be good friends, comrades and brothers of Cuba,” Xi was quoted as saying in media reports.

Globalist officials pointed out that the developments illustrate broader trends. “That Cuba can host Xi or Putin and sign agreements … is something that was absolutely unthinkable 10 or 15 years ago,” explained Osvaldo Rosales, who serves as the international trade division boss at the UN Economic Commission for Latin America (UN ECLA). “It shows that we’re in a completely different international political context.”

After visiting Cuba, Putin headed to Nicaragua for an “unscheduled” visit with its authoritarian-minded ruler, Castro-trained Sandinista boss Daniel Ortega. Putin’s trip to Managua came just days after Ortega’s regime formally announced that a long-planned Communist Chinese “transoceanic canal” linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would proceed to rival the Panama Canal. It was not clear whether Moscow had any major role in the project, but the impromptu arrival of Putin fueled speculation.

Through an interpreter, Putin vowed to expand cooperation and said the Nicaraguan regime was a “very important ally for Russia in Latin America.” A star-struck Ortega, meanwhile, praised the “former” KGB operative for fighting the drug war, working for “peace,” and more. “We are very happy to have you in our land, which is your land,” the Nicaraguan strongman told his Russian counterpart, calling the visit “historic.” Putin then visited Argentina prior to wrapping up his trip in Brazil for the BRICS summit.

China’s Xi, meanwhile, signed more than 20 deals on everything from oil and mining to agriculture with the embattled socialist regime in Argentina, which rules over an economy that is currently imploding. “The arrival of new actors is going to bring our countries new and better opportunities, because it will no longer be possible to have a world where some dominate others,” boasted Argentine President Cristina Kirchner amid Xi’s visit. “It will be a world of cooperation and that should be the new global model.” Xi also met with CELAC leaders in Brasilia and announced a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with the regimes ruling Argentina and Venezuela.

More than a few establishment “analysts” commenting on the Latin American adventures of Putin and Xi this month claimed the trips were aimed largely at boosting trade and showing Obama how powerful they are in America’s very own backyard. Communist propaganda organs were tripping over themselves to celebrate the supposed demise of U.S. “imperialism” in the region — as well as the growing influence of Moscow and Beijing in the ongoing authoritarian takeover of Latin America.

As The New American has been reporting for over a decade, despite the supposed “collapse” of communism, self-styled communists and socialists now dominate Latin American governments. With plenty of help from Moscow and Beijing, a tightly knit network of totalitarian forces, known as the Foro de São Paulo (São Paulo Forum, or FSP), now controls some two thirds of the region’s governments. Founded by Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva,” Marxist narco-terrorists, and others, the shadowy alliance helped ensure that communism not only survived in Latin America — it is thriving today.

The U.S. government knows all of that but remains silent, and worse still, continues showering American taxpayer dollars on the region’s autocratic regimes and state-run “companies.” Meanwhile, Moscow and Beijing have been busy sealing their own deals to sideline the U.S. dollar in global trade. Despite all of that, the Obama administration has hosted Russian and Communist Chinese troops on U.S. soil for the first time in history even while using American funds to prop up BRICS regimes and their allies around the world.

All of the well-intentioned critics of the U.S. government who naïvely believe Putin, Xi, Castro, Venezuela’s Maduro, and the BRICS regimes will save them from the “New World Order” are going to find out soon enough that they have been duped into serving as what top communists refer to as “useful idiots.” The innocent people suffering under those oppressive regimes already found that out the hard way.

Photo at top shows leaders of BRICS nations at BRICS Summit in Brazil, July 15, 2014 (from left): Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, China’s President Xi Jinping, and South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma: AP Images 


Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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