Globalists Fulminate Over Trump Smack to G7, New World Order

“Trump just blew up the G-7. Now what?” That’s the title of a June 11 piece by former advisor to President Bill Clinton (and former State Department security risk) Strobe Talbott for Politico. Joining a bevy of fellow bloviators from the establishment press that began attacking President Trump even before he left for the G7 summit in Canada, Talbott accused Trump of being “the democratic world’s worst nightmare” and trumpeted the Trump-Russia collusion charge. Yes, the same Trump-Russia collusion charge (sans an iota of evidence, as usual) that Talbott, the Democrats, and Talbott’s media brethren have been flogging for going on two years. This is especially rich coming from Talbott, who, it may be recalled, has a long and infamous Talbott-Brezhnev-Gorbachev-Soviet Union collusion history dating back to his Soviet sojourn in the 1960s-70s, and his tutelage under the notorious KGB “journalist” Victor Louis. Yet, such is the upside-down geopolitical world of today that extreme leftists (and even open pro-communists and communists) who notoriously “colluded” with the Soviet Union, Communist China, Communist Cuba, and every other communist regime for the past several decades, are treated as credible critics of Russia today, particularly when they are attacking President Trump for collusion, absent any evidence.

“Nearly a year and a half into his tenure, the president remains under suspicion that Russian entities cozied up to his campaign — and vice versa,” Talbott wrote in his Politico op-ed. “That darkening cloud itself weakens him and the country he leads, but not as much as his upending of seven decades of American priorities, strategies and partners. Trump told the press last week, with apparent pride, that he is ‘Russia’s worst nightmare.’ Wrong. He is the democratic world’s worst nightmare. He has crippled NATO, the North Atlantic community, the European Union and now the G-7. In Putin’s zero-sum worldview, that is a dream come true.”

For 15 years (2002-2017) Talbott was president of the Brookings Institution, where he remains a “Distinguished Fellow in Residence.” The left-tilted Brookings is a sister think-tank to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the acknowledged “brain trust” of the organized forces pushing to build world government and ditch national sovereignty for the past century. Talbott is a longtime CFR member. He is also a member of the super-elite Trilateral Commission, and an attendee at the ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group conferences. Talbott’s Politico diatribe against Trump’s G7 performance is posted on the special Brookings webpage, “Order from Chaos,” which carries many other essays by prominent globalists. The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1874) by Dr. Albert G. Mackey, one of America’s most noted freemasons and masonic scholars, states that Order out of Chaos (Ordo Ab Chao in Latin) is “A motto of the 33rd degree” in freemasonry, and that “the invention of this motto is to be attributed to the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at Charleston” in 1802.

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Among the “great and good” piling on Trump, along with Talbott, was Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, now Charles W. Eliot university professor at Harvard. Like Talbott, he is a member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, and a Bilderberger. It may be due to the fact that the G7 summit and the Bilderberg conference were held on the same four-day weekend (June 7-10), and that he was going to be preoccupied with his Bilderberg cohorts in Turin, Italy, that Summers took the opportunity to launch a preemptive assault on President Trump several days before the Canadian G7 confab. In a column on June 4 for the influential Financial Times of the U.K. entitled “Donald Trump’s trade policy violates every rule of strategy,” Summers attempted to make the case that our decades of disastrous trade policies (which he had a significant hand in forming) are just fine and must be preserved. President Trump’s trade proposals, on the other hand, “will reduce our legitimacy and power by demonstrating our lack of competence.”

CFR Senior Fellow Max Boot, a “Never Trump” Republican who endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and has been a relentless anti-Trumper, got in on the act, of course, with a June 11 blast at the president in the Washington Post entitled “Trump turns the G7 into the G6 versus G1.”

“In just the past few weeks, [Trump] has taken a giant step towards destroying the global system that the United States created after 1945,” Boot lamented. “Trump has now exited three major treaties — the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear accord — and thrown into doubt the future of another — the North American Free Trade Agreement — while launching a reckless trade war against America’s closest allies,” Boot went on. “At the Group of Seven summit, Trump continued to push his irrational idée fixe that the United States — the richest nation in the world — has been victimized by its friends. ‘We’re like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing,’ Trump seethed. ‘And that ends.’ The President’s outbursts turned the summit into the G6 versus the G1.”

Only a few months ago, in December 2017, Boot was jubilantly noting that his fellow CFR globalists within the Trump State Department had pulled one over on their boss (President Trump) by writing the president’s National Security Strategy (NSS) report in such a way that it could be read as a “cri du coeur [cry of the heart] from inside the Deep State signaling to the outside world that Trumpian thinking has not entirely taken over the U.S. government.” (See here and here.) Boot, a perennial “expert” talking head on the major media news programs, has never bothered to disguise his hostility toward Donald Trump. He, undoubtedly, was shaken by President Trump’s firing of CFR members H.R. McMaster and Nadia Schadlow, the key authors of the NSS report Boot had praised, and both of whom had been attendees at the 2017 Bilderberg conclave. (Schadlow, who was back again at the Bilderberg gathering in Turin this year, likely received both congratulations and condolences from fellow Bilderbergers for what she had done — and what “might have been,” if the Deep State had already succeeded in ousting Trump.)

Here are a few more of the many elitists in the CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg chorus who have been taking the side of Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, and the other G6 leaders that toed the one-world line against President Trump and the United States:

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and attendee of past Bilderberg confabs — Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper (CFR member), Feinstein said that President Trump’s decision to go against “our best allies” and not sign the G7 Communique, which “stands for everything we stand for is a big mistake.”

If the “we” Senator Feinstein invokes is understood to mean the collective globalists, then her claim is accurate, but the G7 has never stood for everything that we, as Americans, stand for. To the contrary, it has always stood for internationalism vs. nationalism, one-worldism vs. national sovereignty, collective might vs. individual right. The G7 Communique to which Senator Feinstein so reverentially refers is hardly a manifesto that we should endorse, and we may consider ourselves fortunate that President Trump did not sign on to it. Besides endorsing the World Trade Organization, the UN’s Agenda 2030, the UN’s fraudulent Paris Agreement on global warming, the UN’s phony sustainable development, and a passel of additional socialist, globalist programs (to be detailed in a follow-up analysis) the G7 Communique is a paean to multilateralism, and like all of its G7 predecessors, a prescription for step-by-step advancement toward a world government run by unaccountable globalist elites.

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) — a CFR member, longtime UN supporter, Republican promoter of globalism, and a vociferous opponent of President Trump — Tweeted on June 9: “To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”

McCain’s tweet was picked up by much of the “mainstream” media to launch still more attacks on Trump’s words and actions at the G7 summit. Former McCain aide Steve Schmidt, now a commentator at MSNBC and one of the most vicious “Republican” anti-Trumpers, tweeted: “TRUMP disgraced the Presidency and the United States at the G-7 summit. From his slovenly appearance to his unpreparedness, ignorance and arrogance, he beclowned himself. The Republican majority is filled with cowards who are servile supplicants to the most unfit POTUS ever.” And, of course, his tweet (and his follow-ups to it) provided the pretext for more rounds of stories in the Fake News media about the supposed terrible damage the president’s words and actions at the G7 had done to America’s standing in the world and to relations with our “allies.”

Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass — Speaking on MSNBC’s “Nightly News with Lester Holt,” the CFR chief insisted that “all sides have benefitted from these free trade agreements, and the president’s narrow fixation on bilateral balances is simply not the way to measure these agreements.” According to Haass, Trump’s misguided trade policies will result in losing ten jobs for every one it saves.

Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer, an ubiquitous talking head and so-called expert for many of the controlled media platforms, roundly chastised President Trump for being out of step with our G7 “partners.” Before, during, and after the summit, Bremmer could be seen on various programs (PBS, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, etc.) dispensing his usual anti-Trump rhetoric. Following the summit, Bremmer tweeted a screen grab of his appearance on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. The CNN headline beneath the split-screen images of Bremmer and Blitzer asked: “Global Backlash — Trump Vs America’s Allies: Is the Old World Order Over?” Bremmer’s Twitter response to the headline question: “Yes, Wolf, I’m Afraid So.” In a June 7 post for the leftist Axios website column “Expert Voices,” Bremmer penned a piece entitled, “Frustration with U.S. setting stage for dysfunctional G7 summit.” “It will be the most dysfunctional G7 meeting — by a long margin — since the first in 1975,” he wrote, as the summit was opening. “Trump’s America First approach,” said Bremmer, “stands in direct opposition to the U.S.-led multilateral institutions of the postwar order. And that order was already facing major challenges before Trump…. The bottom line: The Trump administration has piled on and the U.S.-led order has crumbled more quickly than it otherwise would have.”

The “world order” built by the globalists since World War II is far from dead and over, but, clearly, President Donald Trump has tossed enough sand into the New World Order gearbox to throw its main promoters and their chattering class media shills into a non-stop tizzy.

Photo: AP Images

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