Called a “Hypocrite,” Justin Trudeau’s Blackface Reveals He’s Two-faced

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may not be a racist, but he is “the biggest hypocrite in Canada,” says a liberal critic of the leader. For sure, the real problem with Trudeau is not that he has worn blackface on multiple occasions, but that he has two faces on all occasions, neither of them good. In this he’s also the perfect poster boy for the “phony…’cancel culture’ left,” as the New York Post puts it.

Outlining the scandal, the Post writes:

Canada’s ultraprogressive prime minister stands exposed as having donned black- or brownface at least three times in his younger years — the most recent occasion apparently being in 2001, at age 29.

The first image to surface came from a private school’s “Arabian Nights” gala where Trudeau was also kitted out in turban and robe.

He apologized for that one Wednesday, then owned up to singing “Day O” in blackface at a high school talent show. (Apparently, no one was checking his old yearbooks until now.)

And Thursday, up popped an early ’90s video of Trudeau in blackface and an Afro wig.

For this Trudeau has made another of the requisite apologies, the going-through-the-motions ones necessary for a leftist to avoid all “consequences” — things now endured only by conservatives.

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But Trudeau likes playing dress-up. While visiting India in February, he invited scorn and mockery from the locals when he donned over-the-top, traditional Indian garb that actual Indians only wear ceremonially. No, it wasn’t “racist,” though any conservative acting so stupidly would be thus labeled. It was a child’s attempt at being “multicultural.”

As for the hypocrisy and double standards, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson remarked last night that the “virtue is always a cover for the sin. That’s the key to understanding the modern left. Whatever they’re accusing you of doing, they are doing themselves but more enthusiastically. And that’s definitely the story of Justin Trudeau.”

I’ll only add that the Left doesn’t actually espouse or exhibit “virtue” — which refers to that set of (objectively) good moral habits and implies Truth’s, and hence God’s, existence — but mere values.

They’re valueless, too, tragically, in Trudeau’s and the Left’s case, partially because they’re situational values. Just consider the testimonial of former Canadian Liberal Party president Stephen LeDrew, the man who identified Trudeau as “the biggest hypocrite in Canada.” While the prime minister calls himself a “feminist” and says he wants to raise his sons as feminists, LeDrew pointed out on Carlson’s show last night that Trudeau “hits on people all the time” and that a female reporter accused him of groping her (video below. Relevant portion begins at 3:44).

For Carlson’s part, in an earlier segment, he provided other examples of leftist hypocrisy relating to this story. As an example, CNN anchor Don Lemon exhibited a man-crush gush praising Trudeau for apologizing. Yet just last year Lemon wanted commentator Megyn Kelly’s scalp not for wearing blackface (she never did), but for not being offended enough when discussing it.

Then, earlier this year, “The governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam was caught wearing blackface — actually it was a Klan hood. He still won’t tell us which it was,” Carlson reminded us (must-watch video below). And the Left pretended to care, until the story faded from the news.

Addressing these and countless other examples, Carlson said that this personal sin explains leftist value signaling. That’s why Trudeau is “so sanctimonious, so you won’t notice,” he said. I suspect there’s a deeper reason, however.

Playing a psychological game with themselves, leftists are expiating their own sins by buying faux indulgences through policy posturing. “Yeah, I take some liberties with the ladies,” the thinking goes, “but supporting feminism more than outweighs that.” Or they justify personal parsimony (whether or not libs eat like birds, they sure tip like them) by outsourcing their charity via support of big government programs.

Regardless, there’s neither real virtue nor contrition here. Rather, the Left’s politically correct social code is a tool, conveniently used “to get rid of those they don’t like, while fellow travelers get let off the hook,” as the New York Post puts it.

And Trudeau is saying all the right things to remain a big fish. “I have always acknowledged that I come from a place of privilege,” he said during an apology. “But I now need to acknowledge that that comes with a massive blind spot.”

“Uh-huh. Got that? White privilege is the problem here,” said Carlson. Trudeau’s not taking responsibility, the pundit pointed out. He’s outsourcing it — to society, to you.

Of course, Trudeau does have privilege, but it has nothing to do with whiteness. It’s the same privilege Barack and Michelle Obama and their daughters, Corey Booker, and Kamala Harris have: leftist, pseudo-elite privilege. It’s the privilege of power, of pocketbook, of preferential treatment by media and law, of being on the right side of double standards and getting off with an “I’m sorry” instead of a ruined career.

Note, too, that blaming “white privilege” is easy. Trudeau won’t give up any of the above privileges, though he could. But he would give up white privilege, he’d assuredly tell you — only, he can’t stop being white. But is that really an excuse?

After all, he could try wearing blackface again.

Image of Justin Trudeau: Screenshot of a video by Time magazine