“After America Comes North America,” Gen. Petraeus Boasts

Former general and CIA chief David Petraeus (shown), a key figure in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and the shadowy Bilderberg network, boasted at a recent conference that the United States of America is set to be merged into the continental regime being erected under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Speaking at the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty last week in London, the ex-commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq essentially celebrated the end of U.S. independence — and by extension, the demise of the Constitution.   

“After America comes North America,” Petraeus said confidently in answering the question about what comes after the United States, the theme of the panel discussion. “Are we on the threshold of the North American decade, question mark? I threw that away — threw away the question mark — and boldly proclaimed the coming North American decade, says the title now.” He also boasted about how the three economies have been put “together” over the last 20 years as part of the “implementation” of the North American Free Trade Act.

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The “highly integrated” forces of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, Petraeus continued, will become the world’s powerhouse for energy and science. “There are four revolutions that are ongoing at various levels in each of the countries but foremost in the United States,” said the former CIA chief, who now serves as chairman of the KKR Global Institute. “The energy revolution is the first of those, which has created the biggest change in geopolitics since the rise of China since 1978.” The other “revolutions” include IT, manufacturing, and life sciences, which, “as highly integrated as they are, allow you to argue that after America comes North America,” he added.

Petraeus, who resigned from leading the CIA “killing machine” in disgrace after his extramarital affair was exposed, also touted advances in genetics and especially robotics. He suggested robots would soon be displacing huge numbers of manufacturing workers across North America and even the world. Combined with the wave of illegal immigrants currently pouring across the southern U.S. border as part of what officials and critics have said is an orchestrated operation endorsed by the Obama administration, the competition for jobs, then, will become even more intense. Indeed, the wage gap between the United States and Mexico is narrowing.    

The former CIA boss also commented on a broad range of other topics at the London summit. He demanded “immigration reform,” for example, perhaps linked to what he termed the “unique” demographics of the three NAFTA countries. Turning to Iraq and the escalating crisis there, Petraeus also cautioned against air strikes without a more coherent strategy. “The United States cannot be the air force for the Shia militias,” he said. Separately, he claimed that Washington, D.C., politics was the biggest threat to U.S. national security.

Most of the establishment press missed Petraeus’ comments at the summit, as well as the significance of what he was saying. Outside of the alternative media and a blog post about the London gathering in the U.K. Telegraph, in fact, there was virtually no coverage of the comments on the “North American” superpower that the senior establishment figure openly claimed was going to take over after America’s dominance fades.

One of the few to catch it all was reporter David Knight at Infowars. “He essentially dances on the grave of the sovereign state of America that he says is being replaced, or has been replaced, by NAFTA,” Knight said in a newscast about Petraeus’ extreme comments. “Of course, it’s ironic that Margaret Thatcher was essentially driven out of being the U.K. prime minister after she opposed the idea of getting rid of nation-states in the European Union when she went to Bilderberg.” In recent years, Petraeus has become a regular at the annual Bilderberg summits, where top globalists in Big Business and Big Government meet.

It is not the first time, though, that Petraeus has been openly touting the establishment dream of building a “North America” by smashing American sovereignty — and by extension, self-government and guarantees for individual liberties under the U.S. Constitution. Earlier this year, for example, writing in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs publication, Petraeus was similarly boasting about the ongoing merger in a piece entitled “Perfect Partners: North America’s Shared Future” he authored with fellow fringe globalist and ex-World Bank President Robert Zoellick. 

In the piece, the globalist duo wrote that “all three countries have the chance to forge a new forward-looking agenda for North American competitiveness and integration.” The term integration, of course, was and continues to be used to describe what is happening around the world as formerly sovereign nations are merged into unaccountable regional regimes such as the EU, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the African Union, ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and more. Globalists around the world often use the term “New World Order” to publicly describe the end game. 

In the article for the CFR, a key globalist driver of North American “integration” and the erosion of sovereignty worldwide, Petraeus also called for an “ambitious strategy” to “strengthen North America.” He suggested “adopting policies that foster” a more “integrated region,” inaccurately describing America’s system of self-government under constitutional rule of law as a “democracy” — a form of government abhorred by the Founding Fathers, who established a federal Republic.

The three “democracies” in North America, he said, need a “common vision” so the “region” can “meet its full potential.” While NAFTA laid the foundation, Petraeus said what is required now is “a comprehensive and interlocking program of policies and projects that draws together not only the three countries’ national governments, but also their state and provincial authorities, private sectors, and civil societies.” Why such a program was supposedly needed was not immediately clear, but it is happening quickly.

Virtually every realm of government policy, though, should be continental in scope, Petraeus suggested. He called for “continental cooperation” in “security, commerce, and protection of the environment.” The continent must also have a “unified energy strategy,” Petraeus said. Even foreign policy should entail a “common approach,” and crime fighting should feature enhanced “North American coordination,” the globalist operative declared. He concluded by calling on Obama to work with the government leaders of Mexico and Canada to “advance the shared future North America needs.”

Before writing the CFR piece touting the end of U.S. sovereignty, Petraeus teamed up with Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow at the globalist Brookings Institution, to advance the same narrative in the Washington Post. “With all of these advantages, together with our North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners, the energy-rich and economically dynamic Canada and Mexico, we could be on the threshold of the New North American Decades,” the duo wrote in an April, 2013, opinion piece. Mexico’s corrupt and dysfunctional economy, of course, is rarely described as “dynamic” by serious observers. 

Separately, in late January at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) in Abu Dhabi, Petraeus expanded on the radical vision for the continent and its peoples in a speech entitled “The Coming North American Decades.” “The world is on the threshold of what might be called the North American Decades,” he declared after a lengthy introduction touting his credentials, United Nations awards, and more.

Petraeus again cited the “four revolutions” underpinning his dubious theories about “North America,” but as usual, failed to mention the fact that all of the “integration” is proceeding quietly and under the radar. Indeed, as Americans and Canadians discover what is happening, the opposition to the “North America” scheming continues to grow like wildfire. Still, the process of regionalization and sovereignty destruction is accelerating, too — all over the world, but especially in North America.

The North American Union (NAU), of course, has been a top goal of senior globalists in all three countries for over a decade. The supposed brainchild of CFR operative Robert Pastor, often dubbed the “Father of the NAU,” U.S. diplomatic cables from the embassy in Ottawa leaked by WikiLeaks offered a great deal of insight into the truly radical plot. Among other topics, the document, signed by the U.S. ambassador to Canada at the time, discusses ways of getting around national constitutions and even the possibility of an eventual “monetary union” across the continent.

Pastor died earlier this year after having credited the constitutionalist John Birch Society organization, an affiliate of this magazine, for the demise of his extreme NAU schemes. However, as Petraeus’ ongoing celebration of North American “integration” reveals clearly, the plot to quash American sovereignty under various regional and global governance regimes is far from dead yet. In fact, at this moment, U.S. “trade” officials are quietly plotting with the EU and various governments along the Pacific Rim to erect even broader “free trade” regimes that threaten to obliterate what remains of American sovereignty. Already, transnational “NAFTA tribunals” are overruling U.S. courts and laws, with the process accelerating.

If Americans do not rise up soon to stop the dangerous “integration” schemes, their national sovereignty and independence will continue to be eroded until it is all but gone. The loss of U.S. independence will inevitably be accompanied by the further loss of freedom, self-government, God-given rights, and likely prosperity as well. That is what globalists such as Petraeus and his cohorts at the CFR and Bilderberg intend. Whether they will get their wish, though, depends largely on the levels of resistance mustered by everyday Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians to the wild plot.

Photo: David Petraeus at the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

Stop the North American Union

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