Inundated Irish Town Takes Stand: Locals Block Buses of Migrants
Buncrana, Ireland

Immigrationist authorities shipped the migrants in during the dead of night. My, observers may wonder, they couldn’t be trying to hide something, could they?

The place is a small Irish town named Buncrana, which had already received migrants, such as Syrians in 2019, without notice. In Buncrana, which is in County Donegal, almost 30 percent of its 6,000 to 7,000 population is already now foreign-born; meanwhile, it’s claimed that 600 of the town’s young people under 25 have left the area, as its services and housing capacity are strained.

So call this a “Great Replacement,” or a small replacement, but for sure is this: Some residents are fed up, to the point that almost 200 protesters recently locked arms and blocked two buses carrying 66 more migrants to Buncrana shelters — that reportedly had only 19 beds.

Oh, these migrants, who claim asylum, are largely (if not completely) young, male, and unvetted. In fact, “More than 60% of those who applied for asylum in 12 months to February 2023 at Dublin Airport had no identity documents, Department of Justice figures … revealed,” related outlet Gript last month.

(Food for thought: How far would you get traveling without a passport?)

Gript reported further on the protest, which occurred October 16 but received more press just yesterday, writing:

[Protesters] said that people were fearful and “left in the dark” about the government’s plans for the town. Almost 200 people were present at the protest … organisers said, and more than a thousand people had joined the local Facebook group to organise opposition to further migrant centres being opened.

The Department of Integration have adopted a de facto policy of avoiding consultation with local people before opening centres for migrants and asylum seekers in towns across Ireland.

According to government figures some 1,239 migrants seeking asylum were being accommodated in Donegal as at end of August 2023, while almost 6,000 Ukrainians are also being housed.

So the Department of Inundation Integration not only may bring migrants in at night, but does this via a “nighttime” (i.e., “unofficial”) policy. Well, why inform the unwashed peasants, right?

Yet while this policy is unofficial, it’s not unusual. It was reported last year that the Biden administration was flying migrants into secondary American airports — such as Westchester County Airport in New York — in the dead of night to avoid attention. (And you probably thought Biden’s “sundowning” only related to his dementia.)

As for Buncrana, writer Molly Maffei Baldwin, whose mother was born and raised in the town, adds perspective to its migrant woes. As she wrote Friday,

Who benefits from the dispersal of migrants? Not the community, which doesn’t have enough police to monitor matters. Not the schools, which are overburdened now. Not the health services, which are struggling to provide for their own in a timely manner. The lack of housing plaguing Buncrana’s native people only adds to the problem. Any empty facility may be “requested” for temporary housing — but then what next?

… Buncrana job opportunities requiring skilled personnel as of 2023 are exactly 16. None of the migrants will fit the bill, so the taxpayers are left footing the bill for housing, food, medical, and any transportation costs. And what would the migrants do to occupy their time? Some menial labor hired by whom?

Of course, past experience informs that some of these unvetted migrants will commit crime; for example, in places like Sweden, Germany, France, and Holland such newcomers have turned previously safe neighborhoods into “hoods.” And this only ends, in a way, when Muslims seize local control, establish a Sharia-law order, and turn the area into a “no-go zone.”

Danger already is a reality in Buncrana, too, according to local Margo Kelly. “I know women like me who are afraid because of what’s happening,” she told Gript. “I could have always walked up the town any time of the day or night, and now I’d be afraid to. There are lots of us [who] feel like foreigners in our own country.”

This isn’t all solely driven by (misguided) compassion, either, according to Buncrana protester Kim McMenamin. “As soon as any property comes on the market, they are snapped up for migrants. There’s so much money in it,” he told Gript. “It’s warehousing people for profit, [it’s] like human trafficking, [it’s] not humanitarian at all.”

“This is not a humanitarian issue,” he added; “we can see that most of those who are coming are not running away from a war at all.”

This asylum con is widespread, common, and long-standing, too. It was reported in 2010 already that approximately 65 percent of asylum seekers in Ireland who claimed to be from Somalia were lying. In the U.S., estimates are that 70 to 90-plus percent of asylum claims are fraudulent.

The warnings are also common — and ignored. Notably, Dr. Mudar Zahran, a practicing Muslim who is a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition, said in 2015 that most of the Muslim migrants then flooding Europe weren’t what they claimed. Warning that many of them were dangerous, and some actually terrorists, he called the migration “the soft Islamic conquest of the West” (video below).

Approximately 20 years ago, after expelling mainly Korean and Filipino illegal aliens, the Japanese government released a statement to the effect of, “Japan is for Japanese. Others are welcome to come and visit, but they’re expected to return home.” Western nations are unable to make such a statement today because, in the grip of godlessness, they’ve become morally weak.

Apropos to this, the aforementioned Molly Maffei Baldwin related that Buncrana held their annual “gay pride” parade this year, “bigger and ‘better’” this time, with “children holding banners and waving flags, with store windows displaying enthusiastic support….” But are they slouching toward Gomorrah — or Mogadishu?

That is to say, there’s an irony here: As in now Muslim-dominated Hamtramck, Michigan — where the “pride” flag’s public display was recently banned — Europe’s leftist migration policy may portend leftism’s demise. The West’s new imports, after all, don’t cotton to its sexual devolutionary exports.

It just goes to show that every cloud does have a silver lining. Whatever the lining, though, you’re still living under a cloud.