London Calling the Middle Ages? The City Schools That Teach Sharia

The British long ago established Western-style institutions of learning in colonized Muslim lands. But now it appears the educational worm has turned, menacingly, with a recent discovery that pupils at seven London schools are being instilled with Islamic propaganda.

Surprise inspections by Ofsted — the Office for Standards in Education — found that these schools taught a narrow curriculum, ignoring Western culture and refusing to inculcate British values. Most shockingly, some students at these institutions told inspectors that they didn’t know if they should follow English law or Sharia law — or which was more important.

Six of these schools are “independent,” meaning private. They are Ebrahim Academy, East London Islamic School, Mazahirul Uloom School, Al-Mizan School, Jamiatul Ummah School, and London East Academy. Most telling about the times, perhaps, the seventh transgressing institution is a state-run, Church of England school: Sir John Cass’s Foundation and Red Coat School. It is described as “Muslim dominated,” with 90 percent of its students being of Bangladeshi heritage.

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And this Muslim domination has begotten Islamic indoctrination. As the Daily Mail reported Friday on the East London Islamic School, which is reflective of the wider problem:

The report found that although literacy and numeracy lessons were regular, with youngsters given some chances to take part in science classes, there were only “occasional” opportunities for the pupils to learn about geography and history, which were taught through the Islamic curriculum.

Inspectors revealed that one young pupil “explained to inspectors that he would ‘go to hell’ if he participated in music or dance.”

“The majority of lessons taught at the school focus on Islamic or Arabic studies,” Ofsted said.

“All pupils learn to recite religious texts by memory and repetition.”

It found that although the school effectively promoted Islamic development of pupils, girls were not treated the same boys.

“Male teachers and boys make a daily visit to The East London Mosque. The girls are required to wait for their return before lessons can resume. Girls do not have equal opportunities and some learning is lost.”

The watchdog also warned that the school was not actively promoting an “appreciation and understanding” of other cultures, with nearly all after-school activities of an Islamic nature.

“There is no evidence to show how pupils learn about different faiths and cultures within modern Britain as part of a planned curriculum,” inspectors said.

The head of Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw, said the students at these schools were in serious danger of “radicalization.” He warned that all the schools mentioned “focused intensively on developing Islamic knowledge and understanding at the expense of other important areas of the curriculum.” As to this, not only did students tell inspectors that it was wrong to learn about other faiths, but the investigation also found, writes the Independent, “one school where all the library books were in Arabic, and a teacher ignoring a student expressing extremist views in school work.” Moreover, a sixth-form (grade levels for students between 16 and 18 years of age) Islamic society at the Church of England school had a Facebook page with links to radical preacher Sheikh Omar Suleiman.

All seven transgressing schools are in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, which is now majority non-white and is the only borough in the U.K. in which more people identify as Muslim than Christian. It’s also home to more than 40 mosques and Islamic centers, including the East London Mosque, which was the first mosque in the European Union. In addition, this institution is the largest Islamic center in Europe and regularly broadcasts the adhān, the Muslim call to prayer.

The scandal at the Tower Hamlets schools comes just a bit more than six months after revelations about what has been dubbed the “Trojan horse plot,” which involved the English city of Birmingham. The Telegraph reported on that scandal in July:

An official inquiry… shows “disturbing” evidence of attempts by Islamist extremists to infiltrate a number of Birmingham schools….

[A] review by Peter Clarke, the former anti-terror chief, concluded that there had been “co-ordinated, deliberate and sustained action” by a number of individuals to introduce an “intolerant and aggressive Islamic ethos” into a few schools in the city.

The inquiry, commissioned by the Department for Education, found “clear evidence” that there are a number of people, associated with each other and in positions of authority within schools who “espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views”.

Such people had gained influence on the governing bodies, installing “sympathetic” headteachers and senior staff, appointing “like-minded” people to key positions and removing heads who were not “compliant” with a particular agenda.

A prime example of the Muslim indoctrination in this case was the school at the scandal’s center, Park View, and its leader, Monzoor “Mozz” Hussain. As the Telegraph reported in October:

Under his leadership, Park View segregated boys and girls, invited an extremist speaker to address pupils, told children who did not pray that they were not proper Muslims, and restricted the syllabus in line with “conservative Islamic teaching”. Mr Hussain also set up a closed group for certain Park View teachers on WhatsApp, a mobile messaging app, which promoted grossly extremist and bigoted views. He delivered “mind-blowing” anti-American assemblies to children, according to witnesses.

Hussain has since been banned from the teaching profession, as part of corrective action that involved the firing, suspension, or banning of teachers involved in the Trojan horse plot. The Telegraph reports that despite this, however, some of these “educators” “have set up a private academy and are continuing to teach children.” This includes Hussain, whose involvement is cloaked in technicalities.

Birmingham is also a city implicated in the recent scandal concerning sex-slave trafficking by U.K. Muslims. As The New American reported in September, this involved prostitution rings that would target mainly white English girls whose plight was ignored by British authorities. While the girls would frequently be abducted, beaten, and intimidated, authorities covered the problem up for fear of appearing “racist” and in deference to a multiculturalist agenda; in fact, they would often deflect attention from the Muslim perpetrators by blaming the victims, characterizing the girls as tarts who caused their own woes. As far as Birmingham’s role in the coverup goes, it was revealed recently that the municipality’s city council hid links between Muslim cab drivers and child sex victims for 23 years.

The U.K. has experienced a huge influx of Muslim immigrants during the last 15 years. This is largely the handiwork of the former Labour government, which, an ex-Tony Blair advisor has admitted, wanted to create a “multicultural” country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity.”