Germany’s Terror, Mayhem, and Murder Spree: Thank You, Mrs. Merkel

Shooting, stabbing, hacking, bombing: A week-long spree of deadly terror attacks has left 10 dead, scores injured, and millions more terrified and outraged in Germany.

A 27-year-old Syrian asylum seeker was killed in an apparent suicide bombing in Ansbach on Sunday evening, when a backpack bomb he was wearing detonated, injuring 15 others, four of whom are in serious condition. He, reportedly, had attempted to enter a music festival, but had been refused admittance. Had the explosive been detonated inside the crowded venue, many of the 2,500 in attendance would likely have been casualties. The Ansbach terror bombing capped a week of jihadist violence that has put Germany on edge and fanned outrage toward Prime Minister Angela Merkel (shown), who has continued her open-border policies, despite widespread anger over the 2015 migration crisis that saw over one million “refugees” flood into Germany.

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Earlier in the day on Sunday, another Syrian asylum seeker was arrested in the town of Reutlingen after attacking a pregnant Polish woman on the street with a machete and injuring two other people. The expectant mother died, as did her unborn child. However, in keeping with the political correctness of the day, the pro-abortion media referenced only the death of the mother, reporting only one person killed in the attack.

The murderous attacks on Sunday followed an attack on July 18 by a knife-and-axe-wielding Afghan refugee on a train traveling between Treuchtlingen and Wurzburg, that left four injured, and a shooting rampage at a Munich shopping mall on July 22 that killed nine.

Compared to France, Belgium, and Britain, until this recent series of violent attacks, Germany had largely escaped the wave of Islamist terror. There were, however, plenty of clues that terrorism might soon be visited upon the land. Mass sexual assaults across Germany last year by bands of Muslim refugee males had already stirred public outrage. In the most infamous case, as many as 1,000 migrant men were involved in sex attacks and rape against women at the Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve. In May, a man shouting “Allahu Akbar” stabbed one man to death and wounded three others, in a knife attack at a train station near Munich.

In June, four Syrians accused of being ISIS operatives were arrested and charged with plotting a suicide bombing attack on Dusseldorf mirroring the deadly ISIS (Islamic State) attacks on Paris, Nice, and Brussels. Besides setting off explosives in a crowded tourist area of the city, the Dusseldorf plot allegedly also called for additional ISIS terrorists to kill as many as possible with firearms and other weapons.

Here is a summary of the recent terror spree in Germany:

July 18 knife-axe attack: A young man reported to be a teenage Afghan refugee, armed with an axe and a knife, attacked and injured four passengers. Some witnesses quoted by German media said they had heard the assailant shout “Allahu akbar” (“God is great”) during the attack. He was shot dead by police. The Islamic State claimed credit for the attack, releasing a video recorded by the attacker before the incident.

July 22 Munich shooting rampage: A teenager reported to be of Iranian extraction shot nine people to death and wounded 35 more at a shopping mall in Munich, before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide. The German and European officials, and the European press, have bent over backwards to assure one and all that the gunman, one “David Sonboly,” had “no connections” whatsoever to ISIS/ISIL or any other Islamist group. In fact, the prevailing story has been that his deadly attack was inspired by Norway’s “rightwing” mass-murderer Anders Breivik. Former jihadist (and now a Christian) Walid Shoebat calls this media narrative a “coverup” and presents evidence including incriminating pages from Sonboly’s Facebook account showing his fanatical Islamist leanings. Moreover, says Shoebat, the terrorist’s real name is Ali Daud Sunbuli, which is Arabic, not Iranian, and was westernized by the media in an obvious attempt to censor and deny an Islamic terror connection.

July 24 machete attack: The 21-year-old Syrian refugee (whose identity has still not been released by authorities) was apprehended by police after a motorist rammed him with his vehicle, as the murderer attempted to escape on foot. The Syrian attacker had been previously arrested at least once for a violent crime, according to police authorities.

July 24 suicide bombing: The 27-year-old Syrian refugee who allegedly blew himself up outside the Ansbach music festival has not been identified by name. However, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann stated today that the bomber had left behind a video pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and that the ISIS-affiliated media group Amaq also claimed the attacker was an ISIS “soldier.” The man, who reportedly had been living in Germany for two years and had been denied asylum status by German authorities a year ago, but managed to stay in Germany and avoid deportation.

German citizens, Members of the European Parliament, and angry residents throughout the European Union are charging Angela Merkel with having “blood on her hands,” after the terror binge.

A leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which opposes Merkel’s open border policies, posted a Twitter message after the Munich shooting that said, “Merkel’s unity party: thank you for the terror in Germany and Europe!”

Photo of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel: AP Images

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