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The globalist war against meat rages on.

A February 27 segment on the German public television network ARD shows environmentally conscious viewers a version of the kitchen of tomorrow, complete with its own worm farm. Journalist Anja Reschke tells viewers how their craving for meat can be satisfied, not by climate-destroying farms, but by minced worms that anybody can simply grow themselves.

The nauseating video shows Reschke’s highly sanitized version of how consumers everywhere can grow worms in their own kitchen until they’re “round and juicy.” Once fully grown, those worms can be frozen until the consumer is ready to use the fish bait for their own meal. “Later they can be processed into minced meat,” Reschke tells viewers.

Reschke tells viewers that “according to the experts,” minced worm tastes just as good as minced beef. Who, exactly, these “experts” are isn’t mentioned.

According to the segment, a kilogram of beef produces 70 kilos of CO2, while a kitchen worm farm can produce a kilogram of worms for “just under three kilos,” of CO2.

According to Reschke, it’s our own fault if we don’t fall in line with the “wormburger” protein of the future. We need to “overcome our disgust against insects as food, because insects surely belong on the menu of the future.”

Reschke unveils the apparatus in which worms are raised, an “insect rearing station for the home in a closed circuit.” According to Reschke, the apparatus is capable of producing 200 to 500 grams of worm protein per week. The apparatus is, supposedly, odor free, air-conditioned, and monitored by sensors.

One wonders how much electricity is needed for that air-conditioning, especially if Germany completely switches over to so-called renewable energy sources.

As absurd as Reschke’s report sounds to those of us who enjoy ranch-bred beef from time to time, her report is not something from the Babylon Bee or the Onion. Authorities from the United Nations and the World Economic Forum continue to push the notion that the citizens of the globe can be “conditioned” to eat alternative proteins such as insects, worms, and weeds in order to “save the climate” from supposedly deleterious agricultural methods.

Recall what the WEF’s Douglas Broom counseled in 2020 on the subject of eating weeds as a nutrition source.

“Finding new plant-based foods is becoming increasingly urgent with the world’s population forecast to grow by two billion in the next 30 years. While farming animals for meat generates 14.5 percent of total global greenhouse emissions, weeds capture carbon from the atmosphere and can therefore help to control climate change,” Bloom wrote.

And the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is extremely high on bugs as a protein source.

“Edible insects contain high quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans. Insects have a high food conversion rate, e.g. crickets need six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and broiler chickens to produce the same amount of protein. Besides, they emit less greenhouse gasses and ammonia than conventional livestock,” the FAO’s website states.

Unfortunately, none of this is satire. In some future incarnation of the world, cultural elites see plebeians submitting to consuming insects or weeds as a food source while they enjoy all the red meat and vegetables they want.

Reportage such as Reschke’s worm farm video is meant to condition us for such an upcoming change. When worms and crickets make their way into German grocery markets in a few years, no doubt some will recall her report and think, “well, they told us this was coming.”

Meat eaters are set to become the next group of people to be dehumanized as indecent. For instance, a recent radio show in Germany — Deutschlandfunk — which has an affiliation with ARD, compared meat eaters to “consumers of child pornography.”