Danish Imam Who Threatened Jews to be Tried

Danish authorities are prosecuting an imam in Copenhagen because he approvingly quoted the Koranic injunction that Muslims should kill Jews.

The radical Muslim holy man is Mundhir Abdallah (shown), who plies his religious trade at the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen. He uttered the remarks in May 2017, and a year later, frightened Jews filed charges with the authorities.

The imam’s call for Muslims to kill Jews is neither unusual nor unsurpring given the Koran’s clear prescriptions on killing infidels, as well as the open contempt with which so many Muslims who have flooded into Europe treat the countries that welcomed them.

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What He Said

Abdallah delivered his vile screed in a sermon posted to Facebook and YouTube. Citing the Koran, Islam’s holy writ, “Judgement Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.”

That didn’t set well with Copenhagen’s Jews or Danish authorities.

According to the Local:

“These are serious statements and I think it’s right for the court to now have an opportunity to assess the case,” public prosecutor Eva Rønne said in a statement.

This is the first time the prosecution has raised such charges under a criminal code introduced January 1st 2017 on religious preaching.

Rønne said it’s legal to quote religious books like the Koran and the Bible, but that inciting or welcoming the killings of people could be punishable by up to three years in prison.

“It has always been illegal to accept killings of a certain group of people, but it’s new for us to target hate preachers,” she added.

Authorities have not set a date for trial in the city’s district court.

What the Koran Says

When the imam spoke, a television station in Copenhagen was shocked to learn it couldn’t find a single soul at the mosque who had a problem with the Jew-baiting and threat to kill.

But as Robert Spender of Jihad Watch noted, the journalist should not have been surprised, given that the imam was quoting the Koran, a book with which no traditional Muslim would disagree.

If the reporter “had been knowledgeable about the subject,” Spencer wrote, “he would have known that no one at Al Faruq Mosque” would “distance himself from the imam’s statements, because those statements were based on a statement attributed to Muhammad.”

Spencer helpfully provided the text the imam used:

“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985)

Anti-Semitism in Europe

The imam’s candidly expressed desire to kill Jews raises a question: How anti-Semitic are those Muslims who have invaded Europe under the guise of seeking refuge?

“Denmark has few Jews,” the Gatestone Institute noted, but the Jews in other European nations that permitted the Islamic deluge are beginning to get the Muslim message: Keep your head down and your mouth shut. And take off the yarmulke.

Nearly 10% of French Jews say they have been physically attacked for being Jewish during the past five years; in Germany and Sweden the figure is about 7.5%, in Britain nearly 5%. Asked how often they “avoid visiting Jewish events or sites” for fear of danger, 7.9% of Jews in Sweden say they do so frequently, followed by their coreligionists in France, Germany, and Britain (where the number is only 1.2%). Asked if they “avoid wearing, carrying or displaying things” in public that would identify them as Jews, 60% of Swedish Jews say they do so “all the time” or “frequently,” with, again, France, Germany, and Britain following in that order.

Almost 50% of French Jews have considered emigrating because they feel imperiled in their own country; for Germany the figure is 25%, and for Sweden and Britain it is just under 20%.

The media would like to attribute this development to the “far right,” but the truth is a little different.

Another Gatestone report on anti-Semitism in France quoted the country’s former prime minister: “The problem is that anti-Semitism today in France comes less from the far right than from individuals of Muslim faith or culture.”