U.K. Schools Teaching Sodomy and Other Explicit Sexual Behaviors to Children Under 12

Infamous sexual deviate the Marquis de Sade, from whose name we get “sadism,” was imprisoned 250 years ago for carnal debauchery. Today he just might be formulating educational curricula. Some might draw this conclusion with news that schools across Britain have been imposing sex (mis)education that would make de Sade jump for joy.

In fact, these schools “are teaching very young children graphic and erroneous sexual content, which includes giving nine-year-olds masturbation homework assignments,” as American Thinker’s Andrea Widburg puts it.

The Daily Mail has the full story, writing (as presented by Widburg. Note: contains explicit wording):

MailOnline has found graphic teaching material — including a sex manual for pre-teens — being taught to children in classes around the UK….

Colouring books, word searches and cartoon drawings have also been given to young girls and boys by ‘activist teachers’ in their ‘overarching mission to sexualise children in the name of inclusion’.

Since September 2020, Relationships Education has been compulsory in primary schools and RSE mandatory in secondary schools. The change left many teaching staff seeking guidance.

The void was filled by charities — some harbouring unconventional views on biological sex and sharing material on their websites that references underage sex.

MailOnline can reveal that some children are:

  • Taught that from birth until the age of one, babies can ‘experience pleasurable sensations’ by touching their genitals
  • Given ways for 12-year-old girls to [pleasure themselves].
  • Given ‘masturbation’ homework from a pre-compulsory RSE resource
  • Told that girls as young as 12 can find sexual pleasure from [various normal and disordered sexual practices].
  • Taught that it’s normal to want to masturbate during and even before they hit puberty
  • Informed that it’s normal for prepubescent children to be sexually attracted to anyone
  • Told that gender is different from sex but is a much more intrinsic part of who a person is
  • Taught that people can change their sex from being a man to being a woman
  • Also taught that some ‘non-binary’ humans are neither men nor women
  • Taught that men with the male Y chromosome can actually be women

(Note that the above is a sanitized version of the report.)

It’s tragic that we even must discuss these matters publicly, but exposing attacks on childhood innocence is necessary. There’s much more to the Mail report, too — including pictures of the “lesson” materials that really must be seen to be believed.

Making this still more tragic is “that exactly the same thing is happening at schools across America,” Widburg reminds us. In fact, it might have originated in America.

Relating to the Mail’s first bullet point, the notion that children are “sexual from birth” was preached by sexual deviant and child sex abuser Alfred Kinsey, whose sex “research” birthed American sex education and helped jump-start the Sexual Devolution (click here to read about Kinsey’s fraudulent work and pedophile-enabling).

Second, the “charities” the Mail references are, far from being charitable, actually predatory, serpentine activist groups that in many cases aim to normalize child sex and sexualization. This is a longstanding effort I addressed a decade ago, too, in “The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia.” And why is this happening?

For perspective, note that prescient philosopher G.K. Chesterton predicted these times in 1926. “The next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality; and especially on sexual morality,” he wrote. “The madness of to-morrow is not in Moscow, but much more in Manhattan — but most of what was in Broadway is already in Piccadilly.” Yes, and look at England now.

Chesterton also pointed out that “the roots of the new heresy, God knows, are as deep as nature itself, whose flower is the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the pride of life.” Thus are our sexual devolutionary woes, far from being unprecedented, a recurring historical theme. And thus did Chesterton countryman and contemporary C.S. Lewis observe, “Sex is not messed up because it was put in the closet; it was put in the closet because it was messed up.”

Quite true. There was no small number of primitive societies that actually worshiped the phallus. Where today we hear bizarre stories of people “marrying” robots, in ancient times there was the sexual attraction to stone statues known as agalmatophilia.

Moreover, child relations not only weren’t unknown, but, in ancient Greece, the participants had official designations. An erastes was an adult man who courted or was in a sexual relationship with a boy (this accounts for part of the derivation of “pederast”), who himself was known as an eromenos.

Similarly, the Romans took a laissez-faire attitude toward homosexuality, and engaged in a variety of despicable practices. Some of the emperors are infamous for a reason, but disturbing behaviors were not necessarily confined to the ruling elite.  

As for today, Papua New Guinea’s Sambia tribe still reportedly practices ritualized pedophilia, and the abuse of “dancing boys” (bacha bazi) is widespread in Afghanistan. And now, in the West, regression to these atavistic norms is being marketed as progress — and progressivism.

All the while, chastity is demeaned as “repression” and perversion exalted as expression. And while Widburg and others point to those who would supposedly use people’s enslavement to sexual desire to make government master (and morally corrupted people are easy prey for demagogues), the main reason all this is happening is very simple and very human: lust, aka disordered sexual desire.

Consider: Not only is sex a sometimes irresistible siren, but man is emotionally wired to prioritize the sexual function because it’s the ultimate survival mechanism — it perpetuates the species. This priority doesn’t change when sexual desires become twisted; only the specific associated behaviors change.

In other words, under this theory, telling people they mustn’t indulge their perversion can have the same emotional impact as insisting a group not procreate: It can feel like an existential crisis.

This helps explain why millions of perversion-driven people — activists, commentators, teachers, professors, actors, and others — will try to secure the freedom to indulge their dark desires with a jihadist-like zeal. On some level they may be thinking, “If these church people get their way, I won’t be able to ______ (x,y,z).”

And as with any movement, the only way to secure your future is to capture the young (e.g., the Hitler Youth).

What’s more, “Misery loves company” and the darkness hates the light. Just as with the radio caller I heard years ago who admitted she wouldn’t rent to Christians because they made her feel bad about herself, many sexual devolutionaries despise how childhood innocence radiates a beauty that, via contrast, exposes the entirety of their ugliness. Many are jealous, too, as people often are when others possess a “good” they don’t, and thus want to rob kids of that beauty. Lastly, they may “get off” on doing so, in delivering to children the ultimate shock as they deliver them to evil.

The solution, mind you, isn’t complicated: Remember the mistakes of the past and why closets exist — and use the latter with a jihadist-like zeal.