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Austrian health authorities have come up with an unexpected solution to addressing the issues of Covid vaccine injuries: blame the doctors who administer the shots. At the same time, those same doctors can lose their practice and medical privileges if they report any such injuries.

Gerald Hauser, the Member of the National Council for the Freedom Party of Austria and a staunch critic of Covid mandates, has addressed (pdf) Minister of Health Johannes Rauch concerning physicians’ obligation to inform patients on risks and benefits of the Covid vaccines.

Rauch’s responses indicate that medical professionals should be held responsible in the event of vaccination damage. He pointed out that under the law, “the treatment contract concluded with the doctor includes the obligation to inform patients about the possible dangers and harmful consequences of the treatment. This obligation to provide information also applies to vaccinations.” The failure to do so is punishable by disciplinary and/or administrative actions, and have “legal liability consequences,” added the minister.

Rauch further described how all doctors, pharmacists, and other health professionals are legally required to report all adverse reactions to the vaccines to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG). The system allows for the patients and their relatives to submit such reports as well.

The “side effects” are described as “any reaction to the vaccine that is harmful and unintended.” In the case of vaccines, this also includes the lack of an effectiveness, i.e., so-called “breakthrough infections,” when vaccinated people get infected with the virus from which they were vaccinated against.

According to the Austrian Medicines Act, the penalty for failing to report side effects of vaccinations is 7,500 Euros ($7632) and, if repeated, can reach 14,000 Euros ($14,246).

However, the social media anecdotal reports (see here and here) suggest the doctors may lose their license with the country’s Medical Association if they report any of the established or suspected adverse events associated with Covid shots. As reported by the local media, since the vaccination rollout, not a single report has been submitted by Austrian doctors to BASG.

When asked about the measures taken by the ministry to ensure the reporting of side effects, Rauch replied that all responsibility lies solely on doctors.

The answers to the Hauser query also reveal the issue of the enormous influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the Alpine country’s healthcare system. 

Rauch said, for example, that there has been a total of 143 training courses for Covid vaccination to make sure the physicians are properly trained to administer Covid vaccines. 

Remarkably, DFP, the organization which runs the training, is sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies Sanofi, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Valneva and Johnson & Johnson. It is unclear whether the sponsors of the organization are fully transparent about the known and potential harms of their products.

In 2021, some 22.7 million Euros ($23.10 million) were pumped into the Austrian healthcare system by Pfizer. The funds went to “medical institutions, doctors, and medical professionals” as well as non-profits and patient organizations for “medical research and development.” Naturally, one may wonder about the likelihood of the physicians who receive financial support from pharmaceutical giant being biased in evaluating the vaccine-induced damage in his or her patients.

Another pressing issue discussed by the minister was the medial privacy of the citizens. Rauch suggested that while “there is no explicit legal obligation to collect a ‘vaccination status,’” “the data from the epidemiological reporting system … is compared with that from the e-vaccination card.” Meaning, in order to establish a connection between the vaccine and adverse reaction or a breakthrough infection, a patient must first be identified as “vaccinated.”

“This raises the question of whether this procedure is even legal under data protection law,” wondered Austria’s outlet Wochenblick.

According to Paul Craig Roberts of the Institute for Political Economy, Austrian health authorities shifting the blame for vaccine injuries onto doctors so aggressively is a reaction to “the massive harm done to human life and health … by the Covid ‘vaccines.”

He continues,

In truth, the “Covid pandemic” was an exercise in massive disinformation by “health authorities,” aka marketing agents for Big Pharma, incompetent, mindless politicians, and a … media that lied through its teeth and continues to do so.

Now that the Austrian Health Minister has shifted responsibility to medical doctors, how much longer can the utterly corrupt US “public health system” deny that there are massive “vaccine” injuries?

Austria became the first European nation to implement a nationwide Covid vaccine mandate that covered all adults over the age of 18, with limited exemptions. The diktat included maximum potential fines of up to €3,600 ($4,000) for people who did not comply after a series of reminders. 

According to a report at The New American, the move was supported by the overwhelming majority of lawmakers and key government officials, including Johannes Rauch.

The mandate, however, was short-lived. Coming into effect in February, it was halted in March and officially suspended in late June following the massive social uproar.

 Despite the threat of fines and allure of financial incentives, Austria’s vaccination rate has remained flat since early February. As of July 1, 75.54 percent of Austrians were considered “fully vaccinated.”