Decorated Scientist Says Wuhan Lab Caused Pandemic, Contradicting WHO
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In contradiction to claims by the World Health Organization, a recent study conducted by University of Hamburg researcher Roland Wiesendanger determined that China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology was, in fact, the “cause” of COVID-19.

Wiesendanger, a three-time recipient of the European Research Council grant, asked in his 105-page report: “Is the current global crisis actually the result of a coincidence in nature — a coincidental mutation of a coronavirus in a bat with the assistance of an intermediate host — or the result of a scientist’s carelessness when carrying out the project in high-risk research with global pandemic potential?”

He cited 600 facts that support his theory that “the number and the quality of evidence clearly indicate a laboratory accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Among the evidence Wiesendanger cites are the following facts: The host has still not been identified; the virus can “couple surprisingly well to human cell receptors,” the Wuhan lab “carried out genetic manipulations on coronaviruses for many years with the aim of making them more contagious, dangerous and deadly for humans,” and that the facility had “significant safety deficiencies.”

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“In contrast to earlier coronavirus-related epidemics such as SARS and MERS, until today, i.e. well over a year after the outbreak of the current pandemic, no intermediate host has been identified that has enabled the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens from bats to humans,” Wiesendanger’s report reads. “The zoonosis theory as a possible explanation for the pandemic therefore has no sound scientific basis.”

He goes on to note:

  • A research group at the virological institute in the city of Wuhan has carried out genetic manipulations on coronaviruses for many years with the aim of making them more contagious, dangerous and deadly for humans. This is proven by numerous publications in the scientific specialist literature.
  • There were significant safety deficiencies in the virological institute in the city of Wuhan even before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which are documented.
  • There are numerous direct indications of a laboratory origin for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. A young scientist from the virological institute in Wuhan is said to have been infected first. There are also numerous indications that the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen spread from the virological institute in the city of Wuhan and beyond as early as October 2019. There are also indications of a corresponding investigation of the virological institute by the Chinese authorities in the first half of October 2019. 

Moreover, Wiesendanger’s research asserts that the Wuhan Institute performed a coverup:

There is ample independent evidence that a young researcher from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the first to deal with the novel coronavirus and was thus at the beginning of the COVID-19 infection chain. The entry on the website of the institute has been deleted and has been considered as disappeared.

Wiesendanger is not just anyone; he’s a widely respected member of the scientific community. Since 1986, his work has been cited over 35,000 times. He has reviewed proposals for over 30 national and international funding agencies, has written two textbooks and written for 620 publications, and either sits on or advises 130 international conferences.

Additionally, Wiesendanger is the recipient of more than 20 awards. For example, he is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and has won the Hamburg Science Prize of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences.

The World Health Organization (WHO), an outfit of the United Nations, concluded last week that it is “extremely unlikely” that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

Yet their research is shrouded in doubt due to the fact that one of the top members on the WHO’s team investigating the origins of COVID-19, Peter Daszak, was awarded a $3.7 million grant for bat coronavirus surveillance and bat coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Can a man who gladly took money from the Chinese Communist Party be expected to serve as an honest investigator in this case?

The WHO’s response to the pandemic shows just how much the “global community” is dominated by Communist China, further highlighting the need for the United States to cut all ties with these entities. 

After all, how can Americans truly consider themselves free if our national policy is beholden to unelected foreign socialists?