Australian Efforts to Dump the United Nations Gain Momentum

As the United Nations becomes increasingly radical in its assaults on liberty and national sovereignty, the movement for free nations to leave the dictator-dominated UN has now officially arrived in Australia. Speaking on the floor of Parliament in his inaugural address, newly elected Senator Malcolm Roberts (shown) with the One Nation party said Australian values were under threat from “insidious” institutions such as the unelected UN. To deal with it, he called for an “OzExit.” In a passionate defense of freedom, Roberts also blasted privately owned central banks and the incestuous relationship between global mega-banks and Big Government.  

The tide is already turning. Roberts said the historic Brexit vote, in which British voters decided to secede from the European Union, should be seen as a model worldwide as nations work to reclaim their sovereignty from globalist institutions. The Australian lawmaker, who represents the state of Queensland, joined a growing chorus of anti-UN voices stretching from the halls of the U.S. Congress to the Presidential Palace of the Philippines

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“Australia’s values and way of life are also at risk from insidious institutions such as the unelected swill that is the United Nations,” Roberts, who belongs to a pro-sovereignty, pro-borders political party, said on the floor of the legislature in his maiden speech. His comments promptly made headlines worldwide, from RT and the BBC to the Washington Post and the U.K. Express.

He also blasted the increasingly totalitarian EU and other controversial institutions of what globalists call “global governance,” and celebrated the growing uprising against transnational government. “The people of the United Kingdom recently spoke, and I have great admiration for the way they broke free of that socialist, monolithic monster, the European Union,” he said.  

“The EU is a template for total socialist domination of Europe through unelected bodies, such as the IMF, forcing their frightening agenda on the people,” Roberts continued, referring to the radical International Monetary Fund currently being groomed to take a lead role in the global monetary regime. “It is also the UN’s template, and Australia must leave the UN.”

“We need an OzExit,” Roberts added, a reference to Australia exiting the UN.

Roberts also blasted various UN schemes that seek to undermine liberty, property rights, and nationhood. “People are waking to the UN destroying our national sovereignty through implementation of the UN’s 1975 Lima declaration and 1992 Rio declaration for 21st century global governance, often known as Agenda 21 — more recently as Agenda 2030,” he said, referring to dangerous plots to empower the UN at the expense of nations and people that have been thoroughly exposed in this magazine and other publications.

Based on Roberts’ speech, it seems that Americans are facing many of the same dangers as Australians. Those UN schemes, he said, were “signed quietly by the then government and sneakily implemented by ministers of every government since under the guise of biodiversity to steal property rights, sustainability to pass regulations controlling people and climate change to push foreign control using unlawful agreements like the Paris sham.”

The Obama administration and other U.S. administrations before it have engaged in similar lawlessness, with Obama recently using his pen to “ratify” the imploding UN Paris Agreement to shackle humanity under the guise of stopping “climate change.” The Constitution requires Senate ratification.  

“Let me say: the people of Australia are desperate to regain our sovereignty,” Roberts said, echoing growing sentiments expressed by voters across the Western world. “We need to rebuild our nation. Australians have had enough of foreign control, enough of tax and enough theft of our prosperity and future. Australia is on a precipice.”

In his hard-hitting speech, his first as an Australian lawmaker, Roberts also vowed to work to restore Australia’s Constitution and its national sovereignty. He then promised to fight against the crushing tax burden, and to push to devolve powers back to state and local government. Finally, he vowed to take on the establishment to do it. “We are not worried what the establishment says about us,” he continued. “We’re not here for the establishment. We’re here for everyday people and our nation.”

His passion for politics was unleashed during the “grassroots uprising” among the Australian people against the “reviled and dishonest carbon dioxide tax,” Roberts said. Indeed, so massive was that uprising that the supporters of the tax were swept out of office in a landslide, with opponents of the tax dominating the election. After taking power, the newly elected government swiftly worked to abolish the hated scheme, vowing to reject UN “socialism masquerading as environmentalism.” Globalists were not amused, and worked fiendishly to undermine the government Australian voters put into power.  

Just a few days before former French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that he, too, was a climate skeptic amid an effort to get re-elected after years of Socialist rule, Senator Roberts also took aim at the increasingly discredited man-made global-warming theory. “Like Socrates, I love asking questions to get to the truth. So I ask the question: over the last 130 years, what was the longest single temperature trend?” he asked. “Is not the inconvenient truth this — that from the 1930s to the 1970s, during the period of the greatest industrialisation in human history, when our carbon dioxide output increased dramatically, atmospheric temperatures cooled for 40 years straight?”9

“Another inconvenient fact is that temperatures, statistically, have not been warming since 1995 — 21 years,” he continued, a reference to the great “hiatus” in warming. “Records show there have been warmer periods in Australia’s history than the current decade. Temperatures are now cooler than 130 years ago. This is the reverse of what we are blatantly told by the Bureau of Meteorology, which has manipulated cooling trends into false warming trends.” He also noted that changes in CO2 levels are a result of temperature changes, not a cause of it. And global warming would actually be beneficial, Roberts added.   

“The UN’s claim is absurd,” he continued. “Instead of science, activists invoke morality, imply natural weather events are unusual, appeal to authority and use name-calling, ridicule and emotion. They avoid discussing facts and rely on pictures of cute smiling dolphins. These are not evidence of human effect on climate.” It is clear that the man-made global-warming theory is a “scam,” he continued, blasting “extremist voices” in Parliament advocating the de-industrialization of Australia to deal with a phony problem.

In his speech, Roberts also praised a wide range of prominent Australian climate skeptics and ridiculed alarmists for their failed predictions. “Again, and again, and again, climate activists have been warning us that we have just five years to act,” said Roberts, who has an honors engineering degree covering atmospheric gases. “Every time, nature has proven them wrong.” He also said it was time to restore the understanding that science is a method of inquiry, not a belief system.

In an act of courage, Roberts referenced the establishment forces behind the curtain pulling the strings of the climate-alarmist movement, previously exposed in a U.S. Senate report that blasted the group as the “Billionaires Club.” Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald in 2012 in his capacity as leader of the climate-skeptic Galileo Movement, he said that what passes as “climate science” has been captured by “some of the major banking families in the world” who form a “tight-knit cabal.” That has been obvious for quite some time, with “vampire squid” mega-bank Goldman Sachs and billionaire “bankster” families, including the Rockefeller dynasty, showering resources on global-warming zealots.  

In his September 13 maiden speech as senator, Roberts also took on the international banking cabal. “Worldwide, privately owned central banks have greed as their creed and cannot be trusted to work in a country’s best interests,” he said. “A royal commission into the banking sector and currency is just one tool needed to expose what the big international banks are doing to trash our country.” He also called for stopping the “manipulation of our economy so often exerted by the tight-knit international banking sector.” GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has similarly taken on the Federal Reserve and its manipulation of interest rates.

On the purpose of government itself, Roberts boldly defended Western civilization and its traditions of liberty and limited government. “In my view the purpose of great institutions such as this parliament, and broadly politics, is to protect life, protect property and protect freedom,” he declared. “Government has, sadly, transitioned, though, into a beast that only wishes to control people’s lives. And it has very curious bedfellows…. Big government in partnership with big banks is a disaster for ordinary Australians. One of the greatest threats to our liberty and life as we know it is the international banking sector.”

Then he quoted U.S. President Andrew Jackson, who said, “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.” That, of course, holds true in all nations at all points in history.

The Australian senator’s comments come amid massive UN scandals and growing outrage about the UN all over the world. In the United States, there is an increasingly influential movement to have an “Amexit” from the UN. Legislation in Congress, dubbed the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1205), would do just that, in addition to evicting the widely ridiculed “dictators club” from U.S. soil.

As the UN becomes increasingly extreme — last week the UN’s “human rights” boss even equated hundreds of millions of Western voters and their political leaders with ISIS — the movement for free nations to leave the UN will only accelerate. Americans hoping to get involved can call their members of Congress and educate opinion molders in the communities on the threat. The future of liberty and national independence hangs in the balance.

Photo: Senator Malcolm Roberts 

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at

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