Trump’s China Entourage: Heavy With Goldman Sachs, Rothschild, CFR Globalists

Will President Trump make good on his promise to get tough on China, one of his signature campaign pledges? Americans who are expecting him to do so have good reason to be concerned about the president’s current Asia excursion, which is focusing on both trade and security issues. The president’s visit to China on Thursday, November 8, is a central event of the multi-nation tour, which also includes stops in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Accompanying Trump is Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who is leading a delegation of dozens of business leaders, many of whom have been key promoters of the type of deals with the communist regime that candidate Trump denounced.

According to a list published by CNBC, the Trump-Pence-Ross entourage to Asia will include 29 CEOs and corporate leaders, with some of the most prominent of these representing major China boosters, such as Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Wall Street investment titan Goldman Sachs; Kevin McAllister, of airplane behemoth Boeing; Steve Mollenkopf, of telecom equipment and microchip maker Qualcom; Shane Tedjarati, of technology/defense/aerospace conglomerate Honeywell; Andrew Liveris, of chemical giant DowDuPont; Donald Chen, of food processor and agricultural colossus Archer Daniels Midland; Jose Emeterio Gutierrez Elso, of the Westinghouse Electric Company; and Mitch Snyder, of defense/aerospace company Bell Helicopter, Textron.

For many of these business elites, this current Asian trip is a follow-up to the even larger confab of corporate globalists who earlier this year attended the China Development Forum 2017 in Beijing, which we reported on in March.

Government Sachs: The Vampire Squid

As the Trump Asia trip was getting underway, one reason for Lloyd Blankfein’s presence became obvious. “Goldman Sachs is partnering with sovereign fund China Investment Corp (CIC) to jointly launch an up to $5 billion fund to invest in U.S. manufacturers, according to people familiar with the situation,” Reuters reported Monday. “The details of the fund will be announced on Thursday as part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to China,” the Reuters report continued, citing people “who declined to be named as the information is not public yet.” 

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Not mentioned in the Reuters article, or any of the other articles reporting on the new investment partnership, is another very important connection in the Goldman Sachs-CIC venture: John L. Thorton. Thornton played a major role in building the Goldman Sachs presence in China in the 1980s and 1990s, making the firm into the chief underwriter for deals with China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). China’s SOEs and SWFs are, of course, government-owned and government-operated affairs, which is to say that they are completely operations of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The “vulture capitalists” at Goldman apparently get on very well with the apex predator communists of China. After working his way to co-president of Goldman Sachs, Thornton stepped down from his executive position in the firm in 2003, but continued as an advisor. His early “retirement” merely shifted his involvement in China to a different — and higher — plane. He helped launch the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Often referred to as “China’s MIT,” Tsinghua University is a premier technology and business center for the communist regime, as well as an incubator for top Communist Party officials. Thornton is a professor at Tsinghua, as well as serving as a director of the Global Leadership Program. He also founded (and funded) the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution, where he is chairman of the board of trustees.

Especially important to the just-announced Goldman Sachs-China Investment Corp deal is the fact that Thornton sits on the International Advisory Board of CIC. He also has served on the boards of China Unicom and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, as well as many other international corporations, such as Intel, Ford, News Corp, and HSBC. His efforts have not gone unappreciated by his comrades in China’s Politburo. In 2008, Thornton was awarded the Friendship Award of the People’s Republic of China, “the highest honor presented by the Chinese government to foreign experts working in China.” Like Lloyd Blankfein, Thornton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the premier organization that has been promoting world government for the past century. Goldman Sachs is also a top corporate member/funder of the CFR, providing the highest level of financial support, at the “Founder” level.

Besides business ties on corporate boards, Thornton has important ties to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross that undoubtedly are influencing the agenda of the Trump Asia tour beyond even the substantial Goldman-CIC deal. Ross sits on the Brookings board of trustees, which, as we have mentioned above, is chaired by Thornton. He has even hosted Brookings events at his Hampton estate. Brookings has become one of the most influential think tanks transmitting the CFR’s globalist agenda. Also worthy of special note is Ross’s attendance at the super-secret Bilderberg Group gathering this past June, along with other members of the Trump administration. In addition, Ross ran, for a quarter of a century, a major division of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, the legendary banking dynasty notorious for its political skullduggery and conspiracy. This significant career experience, which was certainly instrumental in boosting him into the billionaires club, is not mentioned in his “Official Biography” posted on the Commerce Department’s website. Neither does the bio mention Ross’s membership in Kappa Beta Phi, a secret society of Wall Street bankers (not to be confused with the scholastic fraternity Phi Beta Kappa) that includes, among others, former Goldman Sachs chairmen Robert Rubin (Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary) and John C. Whitehead (former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York).

A principal component of the CFR’s “New Word Order” plan for global governance is the push for “convergence” between the communist and non-communist nations: the gradual, but continuous and rapidly escalating, push for intertwining and merging the economic, political, and social institutions of both systems. Thornton and Goldman Sachs are definitely leaders in the convergence business.

The inclusion of Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein in the trade delegation was a danger signal from the get-go — but it was no big surprise. As we have reported several times previously, the number of Wall Street insiders (especially from Goldman Sachs) invited into the new administration caused cries of outrage from many of the Trump faithful, since Candidate Trump had slammed his Republican primary opponents Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, as well as Hillary Clinton, for their ties to the hated investment giant that has become known as “The Vampire Squid.” In an article this past March entitled Team Trump’s Troubling Tentacles: The Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid, we profiled some of the most disturbing early picks for key cabinet and advisory positions closely tied to Goldman Sachs: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin; White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramuchi (subsequently fired by President Trump); Dina Habib Powell, economic assistant to the president; Jay Clayton, head of the Securities and Exchange Commission; and Gary Cohn, director of Trump’s National Economic Council.

Gary Cohn’s appointment is particularly alarming, since in order to join the Trump administration he resigned his position as president and co-chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs. On leaving Goldman, he was awarded a severance package approaching $300 million. When he leaves the Trump administration, he can be expected to resume lucrative relations of one kind or another with the Wall Street giant, as have other Goldman execs who have temporarily gone into “public service.”

As we noted earlier this year in a number of articles, the choices President Trump has made for cabinet members and advisers do not bode well for America. It is unrealistic to believe that the globalists who surround him will assist in “draining the swamp” that they have helped build and that has been so beneficial to them in accruing both wealth and power. Nor is it likely that they will assist in implementing any policies that will reverse the disastrous and suicidal course the globalists have set over the past several decades with regard to China; that is to say, building it into an economic, technological, and military superpower.

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Team Trump’s Troubling Tentacles: The Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid

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