Russia, China Holding Joint Naval “War Games”

The armed forces of the Communist Chinese and Russian governments began a series of unprecedented joint naval “war games” over the weekend as part of a deepening “strategic partnership” between the two powers, sparking concerns among geopolitical analysts. The controversial exercises are expected to last all week.

Officials involved in the drills claimed the purpose of the so-called “Naval Cooperation-2012” scheme was to build up the capabilities of both militaries while facilitating future collaboration in confronting “regional threats.” The operations, taking place in the Yellow Sea, involve air defenses, anti-submarine warfare, electronic countermeasures, and unspecified “sensitive technologies.”

“The joint naval exercise will be held within the framework of strategic partnership principles agreed by leaders of both countries,” Russian Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Rear Adm. Leonid Sukhanov told a Chinese Communist Party-run propaganda organ. “Armament, support and protection systems will be practically tested, as well as command and control systems of the Russian and Chinese armed forces.”

Some 16 Chinese Navy ships and at least two submarines will participate in the massive training operations off the coast of China, according to news reports. The Russian government reportedly sent seven vessels including a guided-missile cruiser and three destroyers — maybe more.

“The exercises will involve several simulated missions, including the rescue of a hijacked ship, the escort of a commercial vessel, and the defense of a convoy from air and sea attacks,” a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying in media reports. Functionaries from both the Chinese and Russian governments said the war games were not aimed at any particular nation.  

During the Cold War, the two communist dictatorships were often painted as rivals at odds with each other over supposed matters of “ideology” and more. In reality, however, analysts and defectors from both regimes have documented that the bogus “rivalry” was mostly a disinformation and propaganda scheme aimed at gullible Western populations.

In recent years, the two governments have held multiple military exercises under the banner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) — a regional entity also bringing together the rulers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and others as “observers.” This week’s war games, however, mark the first time in recent memory that both navies joined forces for such a large-scale joint training effort.

So-called “integration” in military and intelligence matters between the governments is expected to continue deepening. According to Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the “People’s Liberation Army,” the alliance demonstrates the regime’s supposed commitment to maintaining world “peace” and “stability.”

But the cooperation is not just on military matters. According to official data cited by Chinese state-run media, China became Russia’s largest trading partner in the early months of 2012. Officials in both governments celebrated the news and vowed to continue expanding bilateral trade in an effort to hit targets established by leaders of the two states.

“We are confident that with the joint efforts of the two countries, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination will achieve even greater results,” Communist Chinese “Foreign Minister” Yang Jiechi was quoted as saying.

In addition to warfare, the two governments are pursuing greater cooperation on “cultural,” economic, and international affairs. And later this week, the Communist Chinese regime’s so-called “Vice Premier,” Li Keqiang, will make an official visit to Russia amid what he said was an all-time high in bilateral relations. 

Some analysts have claimed that the drills are a response to an apparent U.S. military build-up in the Asia-Pacific region, which President Obama described as the American government’s “return” to Asia. U.S. troops are currently involved in joint “war games” with the government of the Philippines and the communist dictatorship ruling Vietnam.

According to at least one analyst, director Steve Tsang of the University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute, the timing of the various war games is likely coincidental. “It would be more telling if Beijing and Moscow choose to present this as a specific parallel event or an unrelated event being held simultaneously by accident,” he told the Hong Kong-based Asia Sentinel. “But the most powerful message being sent is that China and Russia are strategic partners willing and able to work together when and where desired by both sides.”

Other experts said the war games illustrated the Chinese Communist dictatorship’s increasing clout. “The military balance of power is shifting in China’s favor, and before long, China will have a range of capabilities that will enable it to bring coercive pressure on the other claimants, should it so wish to,” said Dr. Ian Storey, a senior fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asia Studies in Singapore.

Of course, much of the regime’s increasingly sophisticated war-making abilities result from its vast espionage network largely aimed at the West. And its increasing economic prowess, rather than a product of central planning, has been facilitated by an unprecedented and global economic spying apparatus. Former President Bill Clinton even helped the dictatorship acquire some of the U.S. military’s most sensitive technology, according to former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer.

Most mainstream “experts” continue attempting to portray the U.S. and Chinese governments as being at odds with each other — if only behind the scenes. However, it is widely known and well documented that enormously influential individuals within the Obama administration and the American foreign policy establishment — from billionaires George Soros and David Rockefeller to top political insiders like Zbigniew Brzezinski are strong supporters of the Chinese Communist dictatorship or of Russia’s ruling class. Or both.

Meanwhile, the regime in Beijing is under fire from U.S. lawmakers for its alleged role in unlawfully supplying advanced weaponry to the even-more murderous communist dictatorship ruling North Korea. Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, recently spoke out about it, saying the Chinese likely transferred ballistic missile technology to Pyongyang in violation of international sanctions.  

Under growing pressure, the Obama administration finally addressed the concerns this week. “The United States will continue to work with the international community, including China, to enforce sanctions against North Korea’s ballistic missile program and nuclear program,” claimed White House spokesman Jay Carney. “We’ve raised the allegations with the Chinese government.” Obama, meanwhile, is working with Russian officials to further slash America’s nuclear arsenal.

A vast assortment of prominent figures on the global stage have called for what they label a “New World Order.” Socialist strongman Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, for example, told reporters during a visit to Beijing that his regime and the Chinese dictatorship were working to create a “multi-polar” order with a significantly reduced role for America. The Russian and Chinese governments, despite struggling to maintain legitimacy at home, are both becoming more influential in Latin America and Africa.

Meanwhile, billionaire hedge-fund boss George Soros — a top Obama ally — declared that Communist China should lead the emerging new order. One of the chief architects of the whole global scheme, billionaire insider David Rockefeller, has also showered praise on the Chinese communist system. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history,” he was quoted as saying by the New York Times in 1973. Mao’s “experiment” left more than 50 million victims dead.

No matter how many times self-styled “experts” and “analysts” claim the Russian and Chinese war games represent some sort of “check” on U.S. military power, students of geopolitical history believe the truth is far more sinister. In reality, the top levels of the Western elite have been collaborating behind the scenes with the two powers for decades. And without a serious effort by the American people to stop it, the trend toward a powerful “New World Order” with a neutered America is likely to continue.

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Photo of Chinese nuclear submarine: AP Images